Saturday, November 13, 2010


So for the first time ever... well minus The Last Airbender... I have either thought about walking out or actually walking out of a movie. This movie is utter crap. I would rather have watched another Tom Green movie with him jerking off a horse for an hour and a half.
The movie looked interesting from early previews, so I had hope. When I learned that the directors of AVP: Requiem directed and wrote this, I started worrying.
When later trailers started appearing, I got more hesitant but still had a hope.
Seeing this at midnight, I am glad I got in for free cause I really would have hated life. The most fun about it was listening to the audience laugh at scenes that were supposed to be serious and when they walked out saying how bad it was.
Not one person walked out of it saying good about it except that they got a laugh. They wouldn't laugh until they realized that they just spent basically $20 for the movie and popcorn and drink.

The script is predictable and laughable, the premise is a mixture of every other good Sci-fi, alien movie; the acting is horrible from people who used to have careers but now they never will. The music was even shitty; usually music is supposed to make the movie more exciting but all it did was put you to sleep more because it was like a lullaby.
I will not even waste time on explaining what this movie is about, because to be honest... I am still trying to figure that out for myself.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Series

I have previously published this in the past
but since it is the quintessential horror series for Halloween I will re-post it just for you.
This is a series that cannot be classified into one. There are so many movies and tellings that it will be difficult. So, I will review them independently to make it easier.
Halloween (1978)
This is the original one that started it all. It also is the one that started the slasher genre of horror and made it popular. It is the most simple horror movie ever and is still pretty damn scary. It has almost next to no blood, and it relies on suspense rather then blood splatters and limbs flying off. The music is very simple but makes the scenes more dramatic and scary.
The scenes where Michael will subtly appear in the background stills makes me shiver. A movie to this day doesn’t scare me as much as this one does.
Halloween II (1981)
I will usually place this one and the first one into one movie; every year I watch these movies I always think of it as one since they are both on the same night. When you think about it, this is a long freaking night.
Anyways, the here is the second in the series that was also written by John Carpenter but not directed by him. It continues the night of horror of Michael trying to kill Laurie. This movie is filled with more blood then the first, and that is only because in three years audiences wanted more and that is also what happens when you go to a big company, they basically f**k up your movie.
But, all in all, this is a very good sequel and one of my favorite sequels in this very long list of sequels.
Halloween III: Season of the witch (or Halloween III: lets take a good idea throw a name of a series onto the front but have do nothing with the series and f**k sh*t up)
I have named this that because that’s pretty much what happens. They took a very good story, put the title Halloween on the front of it and tried to sell it that way. This movie has nothing to do with Michael Myers AT ALL. That is what pisses me and most fans off most about it.
NOW, as a movie it is actually very good. The story is something that would have been great only if it had been done on its own rather then say that you wanted to write a new story every year and call it Halloween. They tried to make it like Twilight Zone or something like that.
So, skip this one if you are ever having a Halloween marathon; watch it on its own.
Halloween IV: The return of Michael Myers
Just like the title says, the return of Michael; so true, for another four sequels in this part of the series. This is a pretty good installment to the series; here we are introduced to Danielle Harris who plays Jaime Lloyd (we later see Danielle play in Rob Zombie’s reimagining) the daughter of Laurie from the first two films. She is adopted by this family after her mother dies (RIGHT…). Jaime has nightmares of her uncle Michael and fears that he will get her. But, of course, it is the day of Halloween, and who comes to get the family in the mood for this day, but her uncle.
While it may seem I am poking fun, I am not; I really enjoy these movies thoroughly. I watch them every year and this defiantly a good one to watch.
Halloween V: The revenge of Michael Myers
This one, like the first two, I declare part of the fourth one as one movie almost. It continues on with the last movie only takes place a year later, exactly a year later. Michael wakes up from his coma (I guess) and it happens to be Halloween, AGAIN. But it wouldn’t be called Halloween if it happened any other day.
So not much to say about this one, just like the last, just some added Abbott and Costello humor and a couple of brutal deaths makes this one a tad different form the last.
Halloween VI: The curse of Michael Myers
Here is the most interesting one of them all. I say this only because this is one that fans dislike almost as much as the third one. I don’t think this actually, only because this is the first one I saw when I was ten. This is one that scared the bejesus out of me. It is a more violent one of them all, except for Zombie’s, and the most confusing.
Also, this one has something special that the others don’t have, and that’s a producers cut. Yes, a producers cut; I will say this now so that the truth be known. Only problem is that they have yet to release it saying that it won’t sell enough. So if you want to watch it, you will have to search ebay or download it.
The story of this movie basically continues with the timeline of the fourth and fifth. We learn who the man in the black coat is, we learn why Michael does this, and we learn that an actor can be too old to do horror movies after five sequels. We basically learn that Michael was somehow put into this satanic cult that makes him kill all his family. Hmmm… sounds like the doings of the mayor from the show Spin City (FYI the mayor from Spin City is actually in this… that is the joke).
Now, the producers cut shows more and explains more and has a completely different ending. So all in all, the producer’s cut is much better. But, if you can not get it, the theatrical is also very good and I recommend it.

God, this is a long list….

Halloween H2O
No this movie does not involve water, nor does it involve ANY character or storyline that was in the fourth, fifth or sixth movie. It continues the storyline of the first and second and it returns Jaime Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, or Ms. Tate as she calls herself now.
This is declared the best sequel of them all; and this is very true. If you want a short list of Halloween movies to watch, just watch 1, 2 and this one.
Not much to explain about this one so let’s move on…
Halloween Resurrection
This is the absolute worst sequel of all Halloween movies. There is no point except Busta Ryhmes trying to act, adding in stupid, supposed back stories of Michael and his madness. How they got Jaime Lee to even be in this for five minutes confuses me.
With this said, it could be fun to watch, COULD be. It doesn’t move the story of the series along, all it does is just have a bunch of teens in the Myers house while doing an internet show and they all die at the hands of Michael while they deny that he is alive
Halloween (2007)
Here is Rob’s remake or as I call it, Halloween: Look at how Michael’s family was poor and white trash. All jokes aside, this is a great movie; I put it right up there with the original. It keeps to the original and it adds more back story to Michael. While a lot of people felt that you shouldn’t humanize him because he is a killer, I don’t agree; it adds more to him, like why is he driven to kill, why is he so f**ked in the head. I find it to make him scarier knowing that at one point he was just a kid and now he is a mindless killer. You sympathize for him while at the same time you don’t.
Halloween II (2009)
Here is Rob’s sequel to the remake. It doesn’t follow the original 2, it follows Rob’s own story. At first when I saw this, I hated it. I hated so much I wanted to go shoot Rob in the head. But now that the blu ray is out, I watched the director’s cut and watched it with the commentary. I rather enjoyed it now. I actually have more respect now for Rob and this movie. The theatrical movie was basically thrown together and the Weinsteins forced it out. This version is what Rob wanted and I love it.

So there you have it, all the Halloween movies. So real quick, when you watch the two new ones, watch both the theatrical and director’s cut of the first and then with the second one, watch only the director’s cut; unless you are interested how bad the theatrical was.

Saw Series

I have not been the best at keeping up with the 31 nights of Halloween Horror
so here are a few movies in one
So now that the Saw series is finally over, and I am pretty sure it is now, I can review all of them as one movie.
The series follows a man named Jigsaw, for reasons because he takes a puzzle piece off of his victims skin after they die. He will take people who take life for granted and put them to the test of grotesque actions to be done, like chopping off an arm or sacrifice someone else.
The original was very well done, it was suspenseful and new. It was more then just 'hey we are going to throw as much blood at you for no reason' while that did happen, also started the craze for a twist, and not just a twist but one that you wouldn't see coming.
The sequels continued the concept of the traps and the character Jigsaw and still had twists, the only problem was that it started being only about the twists and how many different story lines and twists they could fit in. While it was exciting to see the way it was done, it got a little old and repetitive.
I also noticed, while watching the fourth one, that the series basically takes place within a 6 month to a year time period. Which is odd when you think about it.
So every year a new Saw comes out just before Halloween, to get you in the mood, and they ultimately do well; making their budget plus double. Although, last year, the sixth one slumped in part due to Paranormal Activity and its rave at scaring people senseless, and the fact people were starting to get sick of the movies. This year, it is competing with a new Paranormal Activity but has the plus side of more profit from the 3D. Will it do well this year, or is the 'final' Saw the final straw for audiences?
Well, after being confused through 6 movies and characters dieing off and new and old ones coming on, this one offers a character we haven't seen since the first one, Dr. Gordan. Whatever happened to him and where did he go? Well you will find out when you watch this movie.
I have to say though, that this is the best since the first one. It has to sort of redeem and conclude itself from the previous ones, and I think it did that very well. It finally explains the box Jill gets from number 4... or was it 5... no it was... oh well... and it finally shows where the hell Dr Gordan has been. It continues its blood and gore but makes the traps suspenseful again like in the first two; the 3D also adds some more fun to it. It isn't the best use of 3D but ti isn't the worst either.
So go see the concluding chapter of this short and long lasting series that started the Torture Porn in Horror genre.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Day 5 - 11

So I am not doing well at keeping up with this. So here is seven days of movies.
Drag Me to Hell
This is a movie marking the return of Sam Raimi to the horror genre since Evil Dead. So when you watch this, expect funny moments and absurd moments.
A woman who works at a bank as a loan officer is approached one day by an old woman who is seeking help on her house. She denies her a loan in a way to help her on her way to getting the assistant managers position. After doing this, the old woman curses her with a demon that will drag her to hell in three days.
This is a fun scary movie, which is odd and not done often anymore. But when you do it, you must do it right, and Sam Raimi is the man to do so. The movie has some parts that make you jump and will make you laugh, but then make you jump again. It isn't a Halloween classic but a good one to enjoy.

The Shining
This is Stanley Kubrick adaptation of Stephen King's novel. While King did NOT like this at all (he later adapted into a television miniseries) a lot of horror fans love it. It has the label of the first horror epic, which you do not hear of often at all.
Jack Torrence gets a job as caretaker for the Overlook Hotel in the Colorado mountains. He takes his family there to watch over it for the winter. By the middle of the winter, he starts to lose his mind eventually becoming an axe wielding maniac.
While this movie isn't one to watch to get a jumps of fright from, it is one that will keep you tense and in suspense. It also has a lot of back story and psychological things behind which make it more interesting.

Paranormal Activity
I have already reviewed this I believe, so I am going to put this on the list anyways since the sequel comes out soon.
This is a frightening film. It is either you love it or hate it. I put this on because it is one you can scare your friends with. You can turn this on, turn all lights off and turn the surround all the way on.

Night of the Living Dead
This is the first of the Romero Dead series, and is the best. This one is a better choice for Halloween over the rest because it has a more frightening feel to it. The survivors are stuck in a house while the dead starting walking the earth and they must come together to survive. That is what gives it it's suspense. The film was also filmed in black and white which adds to it. But just because it is on black and white doesn't mean it isn't violent; when you actually watch it, you notice that it is. With the zombies eating and ripping at the flesh of humans. Which is what makes this a great movie for Halloween.

The Exorcist
While not scary to some, and scary to others, this is the most chilling movie ever made. When reading about the making of this movie, and watching it, you will too get freaked out. The classic movie stars upcoming star Linda Blair as a little girl that becomes possessed by the devil.
This movie is a classic because of everything from pea soup to head spinning. It is one to watch on Halloween, especially the Director's Cut, so that you can see her crawl down the stairs... upside down!

The Fog
After his success with Halloween, John Carpenter came out with this movie about a small town that gets attacked by a mysterious fog that carries a secret with it... Ghosts!
While premise may seem stupid, while watching it, in your gut you get a little fear, not only are the ghosts that come out of the fog kind of creepy, but what if you were to come to a fog bank and that actually happens...?
It is the small things like that which make John Carpenter one of the greatest Horror Masters of the 80s.

The Ring
This movie was shunned or hated by people that loved the original Japanese version, that is until they watch it.
While I agree, they original has it's own feel to it that makes it more creepy, this one scares you way more. The atmosphere and the downright scary girl that crawls out the TV just does it for me. After seeing this movie, I couldn't sleep with a television in my room every again.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Day 3 & 4

Yet again I went and forgot. So here to day is two for the price of one for your Halloween movies.

Here is a title that is good if you have kids and you do not want them to see a scary one, Hocus Pocus. It is a Disney film starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy as three ditsy witches. In the 1800s Winifred, Sarah and Mary were witches who were stealing kids and sucking their soul out to make themselves younger. As they are in the middle of doing so, the townspeople come and hang them for being witches. Just before they are hanged, they do a spell that will bring them back to life if a virgin lights the black flamed candle, but only for one night.
Fast forward to 1994, someone does just that. The movie becomes a fight to keep the children souls and the witches book away from them.
This is not only a Midler classic, but a Halloween classic. It is not a scary movie, it is a fun one. Very fun. It has a lot of funny moments, it has zombies, talking cats and a dance party to die for. So whether you have kids, or you don't, this is still a great one to watch.

This next one is a new Halloween classic, one that you watch every year. It is called Trick r Treat. It stars Brian Cox, Anna Paquin and Dylan Baker. It is on the level of Cat's Eye and Twilight Zone: The Movie because it is four different stories interwoven. They all have a common connection though which makes it a lot better. The common connection is either characters from other stories are seen walking in the background or communicate for a short bit between characters of the story happening right then. The biggest connection is a little walking pumpkin named Sam (in tradition for Sam Hein for Halloween).
This is a new Halloween classic because it has a teacher that kills with his son, werewolves and ghost children that dies in a bus crash. This is a fun movie, but offers some scares that will make you jump.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Let Me In

This is a movie based off of a book which was made into a movie in Sweden. The book is very good and the movie was very good also. One of the few foreign movies I like. When I first heard about this remake, I was very angry. The original was just made and released into America about two years ago and they already had to Americanize it. Once I started seeing previews for it, I started to get a little hope for it, not much though. Then I read a couple interviews with the director and what he had to say about it, a little more intrigued. So I finally let in and gave it the shot, and I am not upset I did.
The story is a boy named Owen, he is a quiet, pale 12 year old who lives with his single over religious mother in an apartment complex in New Mexico. He gets picked on at school, he is smart and has no friends. That is until new neighbors move in, an older guy and a little girl. Owen starts to talk to this little and he ultimately learns her secret as to why she can't be outside in the sun and they become best friends, or a 12 year old couple.
For this movie being the second major film from director Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) I was very surprised. I did not think he could pull something this stylistic and well done off like he did. The movie is not a horror movie exactly, it is more of a thriller drama. From the previews one would think it was a scary movie, but no. I would describe as being how Twilight should be, show the vampires for how they really are, violent but can be humane, do not sparkle in the sun and no werewolves. It shows a Romeo and Juliet type love story between a boy and a girl who is a vampire. So for a vampire movie that is also a love story but keeps to the true vampire lore, then this is the movie for you. If you aren't into the vampire lore, give it a shot, you will like it.

The Social Network

Where did Facebook start? Who started and why did they? Well I never really thought about it or let alone wondered. We live in a time of everyone know what and who you are, just go online to their Facebook or Myspace; more so Facebook now though. Where am I going with this? The Social Network; a new movie from David Fincher (Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fight Club). This is not just a biography of the guy who invented Facebook, it the beginnings of what defines a new generation, how people communicate. That right there is why this movie works, it is not a boring life story of the guy from when he was born, it is how he started it and the troubles of it.
The plot is pretty self explaining as I have already gave the premise above. Was it good? It was not just good, it was great. Everything about it was; the acting, writing, editing, everything. I have had my doubts about Jesse Eisenberg, he seemed like another Micheal Cera to me. In Zombieland, he was like a Michael Cera... who killed zombies. But this time around, he isn't just playing a nerdy type, he is playing a multi-dimensional character, someone who is smart and sarcastic. He plays the character so well, I didn't see Michael Cera anymore, I saw someone who has potential to be a great actor.
Has we have seen in previous Fincher movies, we know that he is very good at what he wants in his movie; he has a keen eye, he brings life to his movies no matter if it is a thriller or a drama. He keeps the pace moving so that it doesn't slow down and you end up getting bored, but at the same time, he doesn't make it go so fast that you miss what happened.
Whether this is complete facts as to what really happened or some of it was added, whatever maybe the thing behind it, ultimately this is a great movie. Whether they made him look like an asshole in the movie and in real life he isn't, which I do not think they did in the movie in my opinion, as a movie it is great.

Halloween Day 1 & 2

So I forgot to do a Halloween movie yesterday, so today I will give you a double trouble.

So for the first Halloween movie to kick start this month is Rocky Horror Picture. You probably will be asking, 'Why this, why a musical?' well I say this for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it isn't like most musicals, it is not a sappy romantic type, it is weird, random, full bisexual-ism and transvestites. It is one you can watch on Halloween and have a reason to dress up for it, if you do not already, and not get looked at weird. It is not a scary movie, but it is a fun movie watch alone or with a big group of friends.

The next one, though, IS a scary movie. It is declared one of the most scariest movies in a long time. I, for one, agree. I do not get scared easy with movies anymore, so when I saw this one, I was surprised and almost pissed myself, every time I saw it; Paranormal Activity. This is the movie that tells the story of a couple who start experiencing strange things, so the boyfriend buys a camera so that they can record the events while they sleep.
The first thirty minutes or so are a little slow and not much scary happens, but when it starts happening, it will put you on the edge. During the night sequences, there is no music soundtrack, there is a lot of bass. It is put there to give like a presence that the demon is there. It is also what makes you feel so tense during these scenes. It is like a sub conscience thing when your watching it.
So, has you are watching and seeing the story unfolding as to what it is and why it is doing it, you get scared senseless, as more nights progress, scarier things happen and certain stunts that happen still mind boggle me as to how they did it for such a small budget.
A few people do not find this movie to be scary, but a lot do; it just really depends on what scars you or how much imagination you put into a movie. But this is definitely a great scary one for you and your friends to watch in the dark with surround and bass turned up very loud.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Halloween season is here.....

So to be festive with the All Hollows Eve month... i am doing a 31 Movies to Haunt You
Each day i will post a classic or scary Halloween movie that will scare you to death!!
SO stay tuned...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga' Hoole

When computer animation first started, the movie we had that was fully computerized was Toy Story. Pixar is the company that started it all. Since then they have made box office smash hit after another, they have broken records and won awards. It was because the advancement that other companies started this trend of making computerized movies rather then drawn cartoons.
Lately, though, there have been so many animated movies it is hard to keep count of them.
It used to be that when you made am animated movie, it was sure to make number at box office. That case has been not true these past few years. You have crappy movies that they make because companies make thinking that it will be make bank. So you have movies like the recently released Alpha and Omega and the soon to be released sequel to the ever dreadful Hoodwinked.
But , you still get great animated movies every once in awhile. One that was just released on Friday, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga' Hoole. This movie, based on books by Kathryn Lasky, was directed by Zack Snyder, who made famous by movies such as 300 and Watchmen, is one movie definitely stands to be a classic up there with Lion King and Toy Story.
When I first saw previews for this movie, I was hesitant to see it. I didn't really know anything about it, who was making it, nothing. Once I found out who was directing it, I became a little more interested. After seeing another preview, this time in theaters rather then online, I was way more intrigued.
So when it came out on Friday, I decided to go see it, but of course I had to see it in Imax 3D.
Let me just say that WOW! It is fantastic. Breathtaking. Jaw dropping. The cinematography is phenomenal and the details of the owls is phenomenal.
As I have earlier posted about 3D movies, to make a good 3D movie isn't what you can make seem pop out at you, but rather to give more depth to the movie that you are watching. When you throw 'tricks like that into a movie, you take away the magic of it, or when you film in 2D but transfer it to 3D just to cash in on the extra money, you also are taking the magic away. This is a animated movie that has a lot of depth to it. From the owls in flight, to the forest they live in, to the fighting, it is detailed in every way to perfection.
Not just the 3D and the detail of the animation is what makes the movie great, it is the story. I have never read the books, but I now have an interest to now. The thought of a movie or a book about owls that fight may seem absurd at first, but read into the story a little more than that, you will be impressed.
Overall, this movie is one that I highly recommend to see in theaters, especially in 3D, more so though in Imax; but if you don't feel like spending the money to see it in Imax, then you just stick to regular. As for the kids, remember, the guy behind 300 directed it, while there isn't any blood, there are some scary parts and owls fighting with metallic claws, so these scenes may get intense for smaller children or ones who can't handle some violence.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife

So this is the first post in a very long while. So I thought I would try to catch up and start with the final Resident Evil movie.
For those of you who don't know, the first one was directed by Paul W.S Anderson and the next two were directed by others while he just wrote the scripts.this one was again written by him but he is in the directors chair again.
How I see it is that the first one was the best, while the second one just flat out sucked and the third was pretty good, this one however I would match up to the first. The style is like the first and the feel of it is also. Anderson has a special way with visuals and taking something cheesy and giving it some bulk to make it look better.
The story is a little bogged at times, but overall it keeps going and keeps you entertained. The 3D aspect of it isn't as good as say Avatar or as fun as Pirahna 3D, but the action sequences are definatly enhanced by it.
Speaking of the action, some complaints I have been hearing so far are mostly about the slow motion. There are a lot of times that slow motion is used and almost gives it a Matrix look to it. While for some it gets tidious, honestly it makes it look better. It slows down the action for a little bit and makes it look a lot better and more intersting. One thing that I hate is 3D movies with fast action and you can't tell what is what and where. The slow motion is used at perfect timeing and to the point to make it look good rather then a drawn out slow motion with doves that John Woo uses.
While this is not much concern to most, the music in the movie is improved from the last two. In the first one was done by Marco Beltrami and Marilyn Manson. To me it stuck out and made the movie all the more intrigueing; but the next two didnt have that feel. While this one is scored by Tomandandy, it brings back the some of the sound of the original that I enjoyed.
Overall, if you like the movie series and the games but can handle the fact the movie is not directly the story to the game, then you wil enjoy this movie.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dark Knight

For this week, your Blu Ray pick is…

The Dark Knight
Not only is this the best super hero movie, comic book adaptation, best movie of 2008 but Heath Ledger’s best work. The movie has so much substance to it that it keeps you enthralled of what is happening and doesn’t let you just sit there with scenes of pointless boring dialogue.
To top off this magnificent movie is the cinematography. The way that the movie is shot makes it all the more epic. With shots flying you over cities and through, puts you more into the action.
Now, the Blu Ray of this film; the transfer onto Blu Ray makes this one of the best releases under Avatar. It is very crystal clear and the special features are amazing. The great thing about it, is that during the scenes shot for Imax, the screen will extend and you get to see more scope of the shots which makes it even more of a great release.
So go out and buy this movie on Blu Ray.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kick Ass

Kick Ass

This movie was anticipating for a long time when I first saw the posters at the theater. I mean how often you get to see little girls kicking ass with a large group of grown men.
The story is about this guy who loves comic books and sits at Atomic Comics with his friends, and then after wards getting mugged mugged by two guys. One day he decides that he has had it with not doing something about it, so he buys a scuba costume off of ebay and calls himself Kick Ass.
After he gets his name out there, he sparks the interest of Big Daddy and Hit Girl, a father and his daughter who have been striking up a revenge plot for a long time against a mob boss. They meet up with him and teach him a few things about doing what they do.
Before I give too much away, how about you go see it.
This movie is very funny, very violent and very, very gory. It shows that if you believe so much in what you believe in, you can stand up and be a hero; you just don’t have special powers like most others.

Girls will be girls

This weeks Gay Cinema pick

Girls will be girls
This movie is an independent film starring some funniest drag queens playing women who are trying to make it big in Hollywood.
This movie is like Mommie Dearest but made to be very funny rather then on accident.
It isn’t as good as last weeks pick (The Birdcage) but it is still up there.
The story is about an old B-movie actress, Evie, who is aging horribly, and her friend, Coco, whom is treated like a maid, and their new roommate, Varla, who dreams to become an actress. Evie becomes jealous of Varla and swears by it that she will destroy her if it is the last thing she does.
The movie is full of humor and spoofs Mommie Dearest among other classic movies and it does it very well to where you will be on the floor.

Avatar Blu Ray

Here is this weeks Blu Ray review

So Avatar fans got what they wanted, the biggest Blu Ray/DVD release of the year. You all already know my review on the movie itself, so here is the review for the Blu Ray.
This is probably the best Blu Ray you could ever buy. If you have the best home theater system, then this is the movie to put it all to the test. Fox home Entertainment and James Cameron worked on this Blu Ray to make it the best possible and it shows. They took out all unnecessary things, like previews and whatnot. They made enough space on the disc so that they could make the movie itself fit onto the disc and keep the high quality but make it better.
If you have the right TV, when you watch this movie, you will be able to see every detail of the trees and creatures of this amazing world. Even the DVD has some promise. So if anytime to get a new TV and Blu Ray player, the time is now.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Birdcage

The Birdcage is my pick for today’s best Gay Film.
This is one of my all time favorite comedies with Nathan Lane or Robin Williams. They play Gay lovers who own a Gay nightclub in Florida. One day, their son comes home to tell them that he is getting married… to a senator’s daughter. Little do they know though, that he is running for reelection and is writing the Committee for Moral Order. So, in order for the senator and his wife to approve of the marriage, Armand (Robin Williams) and Albert (Nathan Lane) must play it straight. But what about a woman? What of their extremely Gay butler? What about the Gay nightclub they live above? All these questions are answered in this hilarious movie that will sure give you a ‘Gay’ old time.

Blu Ray 2012

It has been awhile since my last post. But times have been busy. So, for the next week, I will be reviewing my top Blu Ray movies, AND in light of the following two months being Pride months, I will be reviewing the top Gay movies.

This weeks’ top Blu Ray movie is…
When I first saw I was amazed. I saw it not only in digital projection, but in D-Box (which is a motion seat that moves with the movie) which made the movie experience even more grand. This is not only the best disaster movie ever made, but Roland Emmerichs’ (Day After Tomorrow, Godzilla) best movie since Independence Day. The movie doesn’t just work off of destroying everything, but it shows human emotions and how people can get together and try to survive. Yes; the movie also has all the destruction you’d expect from a movie like this, but it doesn’t reply on it solely.

The movie was released onto Blu Ray and DVD a little while ago, but this is at the top of my list of best Blu Rays to come out thus far this year (that is until Avatar is to be released later this week). The reason why this is a must buy on Blu Ray is because the transfer onto the Blu Ray disk is phenomenal; it super clear, especially in scenes like the destruction of LA or even the volcano exploding. There are few movies that blow me away that I just buy the DVD, but this was well worth the extra $8.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Informant

Matt Damon is an actor I don’t usually rant and rave about, but I am starting to think different lately after seeing his latest movie, The Informant. In this movie, which is based of real events but adds humor to it, Matt plays Mark Whitacre, a guy who works for ADM. He wants to get further in the company, so he plots to sabotage the heads of the company to get there faster.
So in doing so, he comes up with a fake story, he lies to the FBI, and he lies to everyone even after he is caught doing so. While this isn’t exactly supposed to be a comedy, IT IS a dark comedy. The humor is very subtle and most people won’t catch any humor, but some will get it and be laughing.
Matt Damon did a spectacular job at this character, by gaining weight and just the way the guys acts. The little monologue also adds some great humor as to what exactly is going on in that guy’s head.
So with this… I recommend this movie to people who like dry-ish humor and/or Matt Damon as an actor.


This review is on Michael Moore’s new movie Capitalism: A Love Story. Ironically, it is anything but a love story; it is his new attempt to show how much he really hated Bush, while ripping the large companies of America a new one.
A lot of people don’t like this man, AT ALL! Even people he sometimes gets onto film tell him to quit making movies. Well, after finishing this movie this morning, I hope he doesn’t. People say that he doesn’t have facts or that he just says his own opinion, well yeah he says his own opinion, like everyone in the world, he also shows other side to things. He will take hard facts and throw it at you and say this is how it is and what I think. People are afraid of that, they are afraid of the truth, that’s why most people don’t like him.
In his last movie Sicko, he tried to rip healthcare a new one also. He said and showed us things that are hard facts, again, and people still disagree and say he is a bigot and anti-American. He has never once said that he hates America, he just hates people that run it, and the road that it is going down. If you say you hate him then you are just consumed by the lies that are told by you by the media and government. I am not putting this up here as a rant on government or conspiracies or anything like that, I am only to say that this man makes great documentaries that get the job done.
So, if you have seen Fahrenheit 9/11 or Bowling for Columbine, and you enjoyed them, then rent or buy this today, it will really open your eyes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oscar Night!

So with the most disappointing Oscars thus far behind us, why don’t we take a little time and see how bad some of the choices actually were.

Best Animated Film
This section is always a given of who will win. Whenever Disney/Pixar has a movie out, the Academy might as well just give it to them. So with that said, Up was the winner here; this movie is for sure the one that deserves it though. The movie is the best one Pixar has come out with in a very long while. It is very deep and dark and touches audiences in a way they have in any movie.
The closest thing I could say that could have won was Disney’s The Princess and the Frog. Not just because it was Disney, but because it was a return to original style animation movies of being drawn rather then computer generated.

Visual Effects
We all know which one is supposed to get this one. Honestly who else other then Avatar. This is only like one of three awards that it actually got. If it hadn’t have gotten it, I would went on strike.
In close second though, District 9 would have been a close contender. With how much money that movie was made on and how realistic they made it, it was a definite thing to be deserved for them.
Star Trek, while this movie had great effects, it was all stuff we have seen before; nothing special going on there.

Sound Editing and Mixing
This one really pissed me off; why Avatar didn’t get this one is beyond me. While The Hurt Locker had great sound in this movie, Avatar had much better going on. The sound mixing and editing is what really put you into the world of Pandora.
On the good side of the winner, Hurt Locker does have spectacular scenes where bombs exploding and everything make it AWEsome. This was very spellbinding movie that kept you on edge. I just feel that Avatar was better in scoop and entertainment.

Best Song
I never saw any of the movies that were nominated in this section. But from what I understand Crazy Heart was well worth the win and is highly recommended.

Best Music
Of course for this one was hoping for Avatar, but it can’t win everything of course. Up was a good win, although Sherlock Holmes had a very good score that fit the time period perfectly. So all in all, Up deserved this one.

I am going to lip over some of the boring stuff and get to screenplays.

Screenplay Based on Material Previously Published
Precious is based off a book called Push by Sapphire. This is being highly acclaimed right now. I have yet to see it but once I do I will review it on here. If this had not won In The Loop really should have. That was a quirky, British/English, government comedy. The humor is very dry but is paced so well you just can’t help but laugh at the one liners.

Screenplay Written for the Screen
Hurt Locker took this one; yes it well deserved this one for sure; but, Inglorious Bastards REALLY deserved it. The humor in it and the alternate history universe is what really made this movie; but thumbs up for Hurt Locker for winning.

Best Director
I was way upset about this one. James Cameron’s Ex wife won this one. Kathryn Bigelow, she directed Hurt Locker. While I am happy for win since it was a very well done and it was a great job on her part, I really wish Jim had won. I say this because of how much he put into it, and how much he revolutionized film making.

Best Supporting Actress
Mo’Nique won this one as the mother of the girl in the movie Precious. Form what I I have seen in previews and clips, this is very much deserved. Her performance looked so strong and emotional that really beat any of the other choices.

Best Actress
Here is one I was very proud of, Sandra Bullock. I am happy that for her first Oscar Nom she won it. We can now finally say Oscar Winner Sandra Bullock. From what I have seen of the Blind Side, she did a fantastic job. While yes, Meryl Streep did a fantabulous job as Julia Childs in Julie and Julia, how many awards can one woman have, honestly.

Best Supporting Actor
This was the best win I think that happened all night; Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Bastards. This was the best performance in this category I had seen. He portrayal as ‘The Jew Hunter’ was suburb; he made you laugh while you just wanted to punch him out. Stanley Tucci also was fantastic in the Lovely Bones; he was a close second in my list.

Best Actor
All I know is that finally the give Jeff Bridges a friggin award. This was the best role, though, that he has done since playing ‘the Dude’ in the Big Lebowski. I just can’t wait until Tron Legacy, which looks like the best movie of the year.

Best Picture
This is the first year since the 40s where they had more then five nominations and the first year since Beauty and the Beast where they had an animated movie up for best picture. This was tough year, though, for movies.
Of course the one that won was the one that I didn’t want to win, Hurt Locker. While it deserves it, it is a great movie, but there are others that deserve it this year that would never had a chance later on. Avatar I really wanted to, but I would have liked to have seen Inglorious Bastards, only because Quentin Tarantino deserves an Oscar after all these years of making spectacular movies. Or even District 9 deserved it, just how well it was made, and how great of a movie it is, it really could have had a chance.

So all in all… this year really had some good movies, but the Academy being predictable like they are, gave it to movies that have a anti-war message like they do whenever there is one out there.
I am not saying Avatar should have won best picture, but at least the visuals and sound for how well it was done in that department.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Wolfman

Who doesn’t like a good old school horror movie? Well this is a great old school horror movie redone. The classic, which was released in 1941, was scary to audiences but not to us these days. While the idea of remakes makes people shudder, they have to realize that older movies like that classic Wolf man or Dracula doesn’t scary people today who see so many horror movies now where something big and loud has to jump on the screen. Also, some movies do deserve a good update.
The story, Benicio Del Toro plays Lawrence Talbot; a man who goes back to his home town after finding out his brother had been killed. When he gets there, he learns that the townsfolk are frightened of a beast that they say killed him. We later learn this beast is a, of course, werewolf. This werewolf attacks Lawrence and he starts feeling the change, to add to complications, a detective Abberline comes to town to try and figure out what exactly is going on, and also, his father isn’t helping things by keeping secret of what is going on. Complications arise more when Lawrence starts to fall for his brother’s widow.

I saw this movie in August in a special sneek peek and was amazed at how good it was. The acting by everyone is phenomenal; Anthony Hopkins plays Lawrence’s father, and he plays it so well. Benicio is suburb as the Wolf Man and Hugo Weaving , or as most of you know him as Agent Smith, plays the detective very well.
Overall, the movie is very good, there are some slow points but that’s to develop the story further, maybe even too much though. The special effects are amazing; it shows a real werewolf transformation rather then todays ‘twilight’ werewolf crap where all they do is walk around shirtless and can change whenever they want and can change almost instantly. This is the true werewolf story here; the man changes on the full moon, it is a slow and painful looking process and it looks like a wolf – man rather then a giant dog.
The other cool thing I found about this movie is that the climax looks and feels like the original; it has a black and white hue to it while the damsel in distress is being chased through the woods.
Overall, the movie is a three star out of four stars; it is a very good movie, the only thing holding it back is the slow parts that kind of drag on and on. But, it is still a very entertaining movie to watch. Warning for kids though; this movie is very violent, there are scenes of limbs being chopped off and blood and gore. These scenes can get very brutal at times, so if you are thinking of taking the kids, be warned.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hello all… it has been awhile since I was last on…
So I am back… and my first movie back will be the best movie of 2009.
Bronson is about Charles Bronson; no, not the actor, but the most violent man in England. He spent 34 years in prison and 30 years of that was in solitary confinement. Even though all he had on his mind was violence and punching the crap out of people, he was very artistic. All he wanted was to be famous.
The movie which shows him as a kid briefly, follows him from when he first goes into prison to when he gets out of prison to only then go back months later. While in prison, he would start fights with guards, with other prisoners, just to get a rise out of people. He loved to be hit so that he will hit back harder.
The movie can easily be compared to A Clockwork Orange in the way it tells the story and the style of the film making. For example, there are scenes where the camera will just pan across a room or follow characters in one take just like Kubrick did in his films. While it is like this, the movie takes on its own feel, its own life. While the movie is very violent, has a few scenes of male nudity and lots of language, it is very entertaining to watch. There are scenes that you just cant help but laugh at, and scenes that you just squirm at. I recommend it to anyone who likes violent movies, but it is defiantly not for kids.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Psycho family

So in light of the recent DVD release of The Stepfather, I will list a few of the greatest movies of psychotic family members.

The Shining
Who doesn’t love this movie? As a kid, this scared the ever living poo out of you; and it still does to this day. Don’t lie. It is a classic story of family moves to hotel for winter, son has psychic powers, mother is fugly as hell, father loses mind slowly, son writes redrum on a door, and “Heeereee’s JOHNNY!” as an axe goes through the door. This movie is a classic and is one of the few ‘epic horror’ movies. No other like it; that is why it is top of psychotic family member list.

Mommie Dearest
Not really a horror movie, but when you see Faye Dunaway play someone as psychotic as Joan Crawford, you have something scary. The movie is based off a book written by one of Crawford’s daughters. In it, she claims that her mother abused her and treated her and her brother like crap, to say the least. Whether it happened or not, we will leave it to you, but remember, “NOOO WIRE HANGERS”

Here is a good one; a story about a Russian girl that is adopted by a family who can not have any more children. She seems nice and innocent at first, but, Ester has a secret. The movie is paced very well and keeps you one edge wanting to know what exactly this secret is. The opening is a little weird but gets you into. This movie may startle you into wanting to adopt, but don’t let it; just stay away from Russian children.

Here is the mother of all horror movies and psycho families. More like F***ed up families. The story of Norman Bates may look like he is a normal, quiet hotel manager taking care of his sick mother. But when Janet Leigh checks, she learns that mother is a bitch and that mother is a boys’ ONLY friend. But wait, didn’t mother die some odd years ago? Hmmm… I wonder who it is then.

A classic 70s movie of a insecure catholic girl, secluded form the world by her overprotective mother. She gets picked on by the kids at school and has no friends because mother thinks everyone is the devil. When she finally is let to go to prom, it’ll be the last prom that everyone will attend.

The Stepfather
This is a remake of a movie of the same name. This one stars the guy from Nip/Tuck and Congo from years ago. He plays a killer who changes his look and hooks up with a woman who is a single parent, to only end up killing them and moving on. Only this time, he finds a family that is a little smarter. So what is he hiding in the cupboards in the basement?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Lately, Bruce Willis really hasn’t been in any memorable movies. But recently, he has made my ears perk up with Surrogates, a new Sci Fi movie that is labeled action but is way much more then that.
The story takes place about 50 years into the future, in a world where people no longer live their lives through their own bodies, but through robots. You can create a robot to look how you want and have it be perfect, but you will be the only one that will be able to use it. With this, there hadn’t been any murders or crime in a long time, until someone kills the son of the creator or surrogate. To solve this murder, who else other then Bruce Willis, whose surrogate is rockin some good hair, is called on to it. As he gets closer to solving it, the closer he is to seeing the meaning of life.
The plot may sound silly or what have you, but it is actually a very deep movie. It isn’t a rock em sock em action flick, it shows how living life through your own eyes is more precious then through someone or something else’s eyes. I highly recommend this to anyone, it has enough action that moves it along, the story is great and the acting is very well done.
I recommend it on blu ray if you have a player.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ok, so today I think it is time to review some movies of a sub genre that was started by a man who has made some of the biggest cult classics. His name is Romero; and the genre I am referring to is the zombie genre.
So to start off the list, I will review the best of the genre, the Living Dead series.

Night of the Living Dead (1968)
This is the first Romero movie and the best. To be honest it is the best zombie movie ever. It is an old movie, but the way it is made makes it so gruesome. The effects are done so well, and with the black and white make it even creepier. This is how zombies were originally done and should be to this day.

Dawn of the Dead (1978)
This is defiantly the best in the series and also the all time best zombie movie. When some people watch this, they say the SFX are stupid and whatnot; the makeup for the zombies is very simple, for the extra zombies they basically covered them in blue paint and some blood and with zombies with close ups they added more makeup.
While the makeup is cheesy, the quality of the movie and of the story is not.

Day of the Dead (1986)
This is the third movie in the series. It is not as popular as the first two, but it is really worth watching. The story is much better then that in Night and Dawn and the SFX and makeup is so much better and gruesome. The meaning, though, is not as strong as Dawn and that’s why this is not as good.

Land of the Dead (2003)
This, I have to say, is the worst of all the series. The story and message behind it are very good, but ultimately, the movie fails. It would have been very good had Romero stayed to his roots and kept to being independent rather then selling out to Universal and having them take control and making it THEIR own rather then HIS own. This is not the only time a major company has screwed up a movie.

Diary of the Dead (2007)
This is one of the most recent Dead movies and probably the second best in terms with story. The concept of the hand held camera use is getting a little old, but is done very well here and adds more to it. The acting is all right for the most part, some actors could have been replaced. The best part of the movie, though, is the message. The message has to do with human nature and the whole internet craze. If you like the others in the series you will really like this one.

Coming Soon…
Survival of the Dead
Release Date TBA

Here are some remakes of the Dead movies…

Dawn of the Dead (2003)
Here is one of the best remakes of a movie. Remaking a Romero zombie movie is very hard; you have to do it new while keeping the message across. While this is a great movie, there are a few things to say about it.
One thing that is really bugging me about new zombie movie these days, running zombies. It is a cheap way to make zombies scary when all it does is make the movie senseless and brainless. This is a prime example of that.
With that said, this movie is still great. It keeps close to the original story and message while making it its own movie.

Night of the Living Dead (1993)
This remake was directed by the makeup artist of the Dead movie, among others, and actor for other movies. This is a colorized version of the original basically. There is nothing new or original in this movie, but it is gorier and in color. It is not a horrible movie but not one to rush to see.

Here is a list of other great zombie movies…

28 Days Later
This is probably one of the best zombie movies ever, not including the Dead series. This is one time where running zombies fits. The reason: because it adds to the concept of what the virus is, which is the Rage virus. When your angry, you run and twitch, that’s why it fits perfectly compared to decaying, dead people running like the are Kenyans in a race.
This has a new look and feel for not only the zombie genre but movies in general. It is scary but also is very deep. I highly recommend this to almost anyone.

This movie is a recent one. This spot was reserved for Shaun of the Dead, which is also a great movie, but because this movie I think is funnier, I put this here instead. The humor of this movie is just so funny, you start to cry. It has the running zombies, but it adds to the chaos of what’s happening. It is pretty gory, is the funniest comedy of ’09, next to The Hangover. If you like zombie movies, you’ll love this movie, if you don’t, well you still might like it.

Dead Alive
This will be the last on the list. This is one of Peter Jackson’s earliest movies, this is when his style was different and quirky rather then epic on scale. This is probably the best zombie movie in terms of humor and gore. It is very hard to get into because of how weird it is, but once you get into it, strap in for a bumpy ride of humor and mayhem.

Friday, January 22, 2010



So recently I was invited to go see a special sneak preview of a movie that has yet to even be given a release date. This was a movie that I honestly will have to say is one of my favorites almost of all time. Now the preview that I saw was an incomplete version, but was 90% complete so it had most of the special effects.
The movie… do you want to know what it was?
Well, it was a movie called… it is based off of a comic book series… it is called Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. It is a movie that stars Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as the girl he likes, and many, many more actors in this off beat action, romantic comedy.
The story is about 21 year old Scott is part of this band that is trying to get out there and be famous; he lives with his gay roommate and is dating a 17 year old Asian girl that is in high school. One day, he meets another girl with pink hair. He becomes obsessed with wanting to find her and ask her out.
When he finally does this, he learns that to win her heart and be happy with her, he must “defeat” the 7 deadly exes.
From the opening logos you can tell that is going to be a different movie then anything you have ever seen. It isn’t a normal movie; the only way I could describe this is that it is a mix between the humor of Juno, the action of Mortal Combat and throw in classic 80s and 90s Nintendo animation.
It will not appeal to adults over 45 unless you like random humor.
So when this movie is released I will keep you all updated.


So rarely does a movie come out that blows you away. So with that said, rarely does a GREAT Sci Fi movie come out. Recently a movie called Moon came out on DVD and Blu Ray. This is the rare movie that blows you away and the rare GREAT Sci Fi movie.
This movie stars Sam Rockwell as a man who lives on a base on the moon that’s sole purpose is to harvest moon rocks. The point of this is that Earth has found a clean power source that comes from moon rocks that with one ton load can give 70% of the population a years worth of power.
The problem, he is the only man up there with the only company is that of a robot called Gerty, voiced by Kevin Spacey. Because he ahs been up there for so long, he starts losing his mind a little and having flash backs of his past. After an accident one day, he starts searching for the truth of why he is up there.
This movie starts off wonderful, and continues to be wonderful the whole hour and forty minutes. The acting is extraordinary and the story is new and original, the effects are so well done it is life like almost. For an independent film, this is probably the best.
I highly recommend this for anyone; you don’t have to be a Sci Fi fan to enjoy this spectacular movie.


Just a quick note… I know when I started these blogs, I said I was going to add one a day… well with no internet at home, it is very difficult. So, I will try to get one in a day if not, I will get more then one when I can to make up for it.

So, today I will continue one with the trilogy + 10 series.

Today I will review more then one.

This is a series that cannot be classified into one. There are so many movies and tellings that it will be difficult. So, I will review them independently to make it easier.
Halloween (1978)
This is the original one that started it all. It also is the one that started the slasher genre of horror and made it popular. It is the most simple horror movie ever and is still pretty damn scary. It has almost next to no blood, and it relies on suspense rather then blood splatters and limbs flying off. The music is very simple but makes the scenes more dramatic and scary.
The scenes where Michael will subtly appear in the background stills makes me shiver. A movie to this day doesn’t scare me as much as this one does.
Halloween II (1981)
I will usually place this one and the first one into one movie; every year I watch these movies I always think of it as one since they are both on the same night. When you think about it, this is a long freaking night.
Anyways, the here is the second in the series that was also written by John Carpenter but not directed by him. It continues the night of horror of Michael trying to kill Laurie. This movie is filled with more blood then the first, and that is only because in three years audiences wanted more and that is also what happens when you go to a big company, they basically f**k up your movie.
But, all in all, this is a very good sequel and one of my favorite sequels in this very long list of sequels.
Halloween III: Season of the witch (or Halloween III: lets take a good idea throw a name of a series onto the front but have do nothing with the series and f**k sh*t up)
I have named this that because that’s pretty much what happens. They took a very good story, put the title Halloween on the front of it and tried to sell it that way. This movie has nothing to do with Michael Myers AT ALL. That is what pisses me and most fans off most about it.
NOW, as a movie it is actually very good. The story is something that would have been great only if it had been done on its own rather then say that you wanted to write a new story every year and call it Halloween. They tried to make it like Twilight Zone or something like that.
So, skip this one if you are ever having a Halloween marathon; watch it on its own.
Halloween IV: The return of Michael Myers
Just like the title says, the return of Michael; so true, for another four sequels in this part of the series. This is a pretty good installment to the series; here we are introduced to Danielle Harris who plays Jaime Lloyd (we later see Danielle play in Rob Zombie’s reimagining) the daughter of Laurie from the first two films. She is adopted by this family after her mother dies (RIGHT…). Jaime has nightmares of her uncle Michael and fears that he will get her. But, of course, it is the day of Halloween, and who comes to get the family in the mood for this day, but her uncle.
While it may seem I am poking fun, I am not; I really enjoy these movies thoroughly. I watch them every year and this defiantly a good one to watch.
Halloween V: The revenge of Michael Myers
This one, like the first two, I declare part of the fourth one as one movie almost. It continues on with the last movie only takes place a year later, exactly a year later. Michael wakes up from his coma (I guess) and it happens to be Halloween, AGAIN. But it wouldn’t be called Halloween if it happened any other day.
So not much to say about this one, just like the last, just some added Abbott and Costello humor and a couple of brutal deaths makes this one a tad different form the last.
Halloween VI: The curse of Michael Myers
Here is the most interesting one of them all. I say this only because this is one that fans dislike almost as much as the third one. I don’t think this actually, only because this is the first one I saw when I was ten. This is one that scared the bejesus out of me. It is a more violent one of them all, except for Zombie’s, and the most confusing.
Also, this one has something special that the others don’t have, and that’s a producers cut. Yes, a producers cut; I will say this now so that the truth be known. Only problem is that they have yet to release it saying that it won’t sell enough. So if you want to watch it, you will have to search ebay or download it.
The story of this movie basically continues with the timeline of the fourth and fifth. We learn who the man in the black coat is, we learn why Michael does this, and we learn that an actor can be too old to do horror movies after five sequels. We basically learn that Michael was somehow put into this satanic cult that makes him kill all his family. Hmmm… sounds like the doings of the mayor from the show Spin City (FYI the mayor from Spin City is actually in this… that is the joke).
Now, the producers cut shows more and explains more and has a completely different ending. So all in all, the producer’s cut is much better. But, if you can not get it, the theatrical is also very good and I recommend it.

God, this is a long list….

Halloween H2O
No this movie does not involve water, nor does it involve ANY character or storyline that was in the fourth, fifth or sixth movie. It continues the storyline of the first and second and it returns Jaime Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, or Ms. Tate as she calls herself now.
This is declared the best sequel of them all; and this is very true. If you want a short list of Halloween movies to watch, just watch 1, 2 and this one.
Not much to explain about this one so let’s move on…
Halloween Resurrection
This is the absolute worst sequel of all Halloween movies. There is no point except Busta Ryhmes trying to act, adding in stupid, supposed back stories of Michael and his madness. How they got Jaime Lee to even be in this for five minutes confuses me.
With this said, it could be fun to watch, COULD be. It doesn’t move the story of the series along, all it does is just have a bunch of teens in the Myers house while doing an internet show and they all die at the hands of Michael while they deny that he is alive
Halloween (2007)
Here is Rob’s remake or as I call it, Halloween: Look at how Michael’s family was poor and white trash. All jokes aside, this is a great movie; I put it right up there with the original. It keeps to the original and it adds more back story to Michael. While a lot of people felt that you shouldn’t humanize him because he is a killer, I don’t agree; it adds more to him, like why is he driven to kill, why is he so f**ked in the head. I find it to make him scarier knowing that at one point he was just a kid and now he is a mindless killer. You sympathize for him while at the same time you don’t.
Halloween II (2009)
Here is Rob’s sequel to the remake. It doesn’t follow the original 2, it follows Rob’s own story. At first when I saw this, I hated it. I hated so much I wanted to go shoot Rob in the head. But now that the blu ray is out, I watched the director’s cut and watched it with the commentary. I rather enjoyed it now. I actually have more respect now for Rob and this movie. The theatrical movie was basically thrown together and the Weinsteins forced it out. This version is what Rob wanted and I love it.

So there you have it, all the Halloween movies. So real quick, when you watch the two new ones, watch both the theatrical and director’s cut of the first and then with the second one, watch only the director’s cut; unless you are interested how bad the theatrical was.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trilogies and sagas

So, in light of a whole bunch of sequels coming out on DVD and into theaters, let's take a look at some really good (and bad) trilogies and sagas for the next week or two.

First runner up;
The Final Destination Screamology
These movies have been coming out since 2000 and they make a few bucks for New Line each time they come out. The story, in every single one of them, is basically a kid in the beginning has a "dream" and it is of a huge "accident" that will happen causing a big group of other kids to die in a specific order. The kid realizes it is real and will happen, cause panic, group of kids question him or her, they all freak out and try to act scared, they ask this question "What do you mean people will die?" and right then, PEOPLE DIE! While this trait is the same about them, they all have their different feel and look to them; and of course different deaths.
These are the movies that made you afraid of, well basically everything.
The best one, of course, is the first one. It is the most original of them and best made. The second comes off as a comedy almost with its cheesy lines and absurd characters. The third one, directed by the original directors of the first one, returns to the style of the first and is almost as good as the first. The fourth and most recent one, which was released in 3D but used poorly, is directed by the director of the second one so it returns to absurd characters and comedic scenarios. But it has some pretty cool deaths.
The great thing about the first movie is that when the people sense a "premonition" they see clues around them and feel "death" around them. The next movies used this but added stupid ways that the people saw what would happen that made the movies a little cheesy.
The best part about the first two movies, and third, is the mortician. Played by Tony Todd in all his creepiness, he explains the main characters in the first two what death is and what his plan is. He only does a small voice of Satan in the third movie and nothing for the fourth, that is one downfall of this movie.
So if you want a good scare or two, or to laugh at random deaths, or to just give yourself another reason NOT to go through a car wash (see the fourth movie) watch these movies, they aren't pieces of art, but they are very fun to watch.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Hangover

I'm very surprised I haven't gotten to this movie yet. This was the surprise hit of last summer about a group of friends who go to Las Vegas for a night for their friends bachelor party. The morning after, they don't remember a thing; especially where their friend went. All they wake up to are a couple of clues to follow and a tiger in the bathroom.
Now, this movie is probably one of the funniest movies to come out of 2009. The three main characters are so well written and acted out, it's like watching a modern, dirtier version of the Three Stooges.
I highly recommend this movie. But here are some warnings, it is NOT FOR LITTLE KIDS! There is a lot of language, sex and/or sexual humor and nudity. If you are not a prude in any way, you will be in the floor in tears, if you are a prude you'll be on your knees praying.

HD confusion

So I thought that for this segment I could explain HDTV’s and Blu Rays and all that stuff that most you don’t know much about.
So let me first start this by saying how fast technology of home entertainment is growing. I mean once HDTV was introduced, it basically shot off from there.
SO what do we have? What is a good TV for me? What does it all mean?
Well I want and will try to make this simple for you so that you know what you WILL need and what will be GOOD TO have.
First, let’s start with the TV. You have to first have the right TV before anything else. So, first decide the size you want. You judge this by measuring where you want to put the TV and the size of your room. Now, I’m going to make this simpler for you all; if you are looking for a TV for your room, a good size would be a 32”. It is small enough that it won’t clutter everything and it is big enough that you will get the most out of it.
For you living room; it all depends on the size and angle you’re having this in. for a nice sized living room, a 42’ to 52’ will be sufficient. Now, if you have a larger living area or if you want a very big screen, then you will want the sizes 52”+.
While looking at sizes, you are going to notice the there things called Plasma, LCD and LED TVs. You are probably going to wonder what it all means. Well, this is going to be the most confusing part of it all. So, to make it simple I will explain them. Plasma, it, in the past, has been known to be the best quality looking, BUT, have a short lifespan. Yes this is true; but not anymore, and not if you buy a Panasonic. Panasonic has really improved the Plasma technology and made it so much better. While on Panasonic, they are releasing their 3D TV due sometime out soon.
LCD is also very good, if you are going to buy another brand I highly recommend LCD. LED on the other hand, is way better then LCD. LED is available with Samsung, and they do it best.
**just a quick note: There are TVs out that will look like you are looking out a window look. It is not a natural look for a movie, so my recommendation is to stay away from these TVs. You will know when you see it. It is when the camera moves or movement on the screen happens, when the movement will look different then most TVs. While it may look clearer, it is not. It will take away from the movie. The idea is to make a movie clearer, not unnatural looking.**

Now we move onto the Blu ray. This is simple, which ever brand TV you choose; get the same brand Blu Ray. So if you get a Panasonic TV, get a Panasonic Blu Ray. To explain Blu Ray; it is a disc that is the same size as a DVD only holds more information on it. The bottom of the disc has a special coating that helps resist any minor scratches and fingerprints. If any fingerprints get on it, it is very easy to clean.
Blu Rays have the ability to play movies and TV shows at 1080p, which is the highest HD you can go. You have the regular 480p and 760p. 480p is the usual DVD format, and with Blu Ray players, when you watch a regular DVD on it, it will actually bump the quality up; but it WILL NOT be the same as Blu Ray. So don’t think that you won’t need to buy them.

To finish off this segment here is the surround sound part. This will be the most complicated part of it all and I will very honest about it. I can only recommend brands and they type of surround, I can’t explain how to set it up though. If you need help with that, you can comment me and I can email you help, or hiring someone to do it is also best.
So, same as the Blu Ray, pick the same brand AMP as the TV and Blu Ray. Also, you will want to pick a 7.1 surround system. With this you will be able to hear sound that will REALLY surround you; this is how it is supposed to be heard.

Now, to finish this up, I am going to describe my ultimate home theater system.
First, I would have six chairs that are D-Box equipped. D-Box is a chair that is set up so that when a Blu Ray has the option, it will move with the movie. It is expensive, but very nice and well done. Then, I would the 7.1 surround sound and the bass under the chairs to give more rumble. Then, to complete it all off, I would have the 62” Panasonic 3D TV and Blu Ray system.
So that about rounds it all off, if you have any further questions, please comment and I will respond.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Brad Pitt

So today I thought that maybe I should try a new thing… again. Every Friday I will take an actor or actress and review some of their movies.
So today I am choosing Brad Pitt.

Inglorious Bastards
This is a good one to start with. This movie, directed by Quentin Tarantino, is one of the best of 2009. This is a story of a group of American Jews during WWII who go to Germany to kill Nazi soldiers basically. It is highly fictionalized, of course, in Tarantino’s own way.
Its very violent and very long but very, VERY good. If you don’t like Tarantino I can almost be honest you might not like this.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button
This is probably one of his best roles. The story is about a guy named Benjamin Button, he was born looking like he was in his 80s and as he gets older in age, and his body goes in the reverse.
It is one of the best movies I have seen; it is funny, sad and adventurous. Just the whole story keeps you enthralled to the very end… or beginning, however you look at it.

Burn After Reading
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It has its funny moments and that is when Brad Pitt is on the screen, but other then that, it is horrible. George Clooney bugs you throughout his performance along with almost the entire cast as well. If you skip this movie, you won’t be missing anything at all.

This is also one of his best movies and one of my top 10 favorites. It s a classic cat mouse movie but shocks you like none other.

Fight Club
Saved the best for last; this is my all time favorite Brad Pitt movie and on my top 5 favorite movie. This is a movie that I can say is just as good or better then the book.
The psychology behind the story and characters is phenomenal and the way that’s made keeps you going and thinking without realizing what’s really going on. I highly recommend this movie to any Pitt fans or movie fanatics.

Here is a list of great Pitt movies:
Meet Joe Black
Interview with a vampire
Ocean’s eleven
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
And The Assassination of Jesse James

Boondock Saints II

So this movie is very good. If you have seen the first one, then you will thoroughly enjoy this. If you haven’t seen it, then what are you doing, go rent it.
So, for those that have seen the first but not this one yet, this review is for you.
This sequel follows the same Irish chaps as they return to America from Ireland after they discover that they are trying to be framed for the murder of a priest. Has they go along trying to figure this out, they learn of their fathers past, old characters return, new ones are introduced, random gratuitous violence and of course more comedy.
While this movie is very kick ass, it isn’t as good as the original. There are some parts of the movie that just aren’t needed and certain things are a little upsetting. Also, there were more kick ass gun fights in the original.
BUT, this is defiantly worth watching if you can in theatres, if not when it comes out on DVD, even Blu Ray.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 Degress of.... Christian Bale to Malcolm McDowell

6 Degrees of…
Lets play a game… how you play is that you take an actor and you connect them with another actor using an actor in a movie they are in. For example Drew Barrymore to Jim Carrey: Drew Barrymore in Charlies Angles with Tom Green, Tom Green in Freddy Got Fingered with Harland Williams, Harland Williams in Dumb and Dumber with Jim Carrey. It is very simple. So I am going to start to do this and review each movie. And if you have another way it could be done please let me know in a comment .

So for round one:

Christian Bale to Malcolm McDowell

Step 1) Terminator Salvation (Christian Bale, Sam Worthington)
This movie was released onto DVD and Blu Ray just recently. It stars Christian Bale as John Connor and he is, to be honest, the best yet.
This movie is set 15 years after the third one and it is missing our original Terminator. Judgment day has happened and The Resistance is fighting the machines. Sam Worthington plays an ex murderer who, before he was executed before judgment day, signs off his body to be used for science by Skynet. And from there you learn the rest.
This is a very good movie and is a great addition to the series. While it isn’t the best it is much better then the third one much, much better then the first, but not as good as the second.

2) Avatar (Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver)
I still can’t express how much this movie rocks. It has now made over $800 million worldwide so go see it if you haven’t.

3) Alien Resurrection (Sigourney Weaver and Brad Dourif)
This is the fourth movie in the Alien series starring Sigourney Weaver. It is not the best one of the four but it is still pretty good. If you like the other three you will like this, but if you only like the original two, then just skip movie all together.

4)Halloween II (Brad Dourif and Malcolm McDowell)
This is the 10th Halloween movie made and maybe one of the worst. Now, I loved the remake Rob Zombie did and I was excited about this one, but as soon as I finished watching it, I was very upset.
It takes a route that makes it very confusing and seems illiterate almost. They way that the character of Loomis is changed is almost absurd, and Laurie being this party girl who is rebellious makes people not like her.
But, after viewing the director’s cut, I am rather impressed now. But, for it to make sense, you must watch the director’s cut of the first and this one for it to all flow.

Sherlock Holmes

So it has been awhile since my last post. Sorry to those that actually read this.
So today I am actually going to post a couple of reviews and whatnot to make up for it. The variety of movies will be a little random from older movies to ones just released.

So to start off the list, here is a movie released into theatres on Christmas Day:
Sherlock Holmes
Not many people have actually read the books or know any of the stories of Sherlock. Well, for this movie, you don’t need to really know much about the books. The movie, while good, is pretty bland. The story is simple but is told in a complex way to try and confuse you to make it seem that there is a lot going on.
The movie is about two hours long and is very stretched out. There is about thirty minutes that could have been taken out and still made the same point. Now, with that said, while there is a lot of fluff, the movie has its funny parts and very good action. The character of Holmes is played by Downey jr. very well. The way that Holmes thinks and figures things out is very cool and this is what carries the movie on to be at least some what watchable.
So, with that said, again, while this movie is a little boring at times, it is still fun to watch but not one to rush to go see right away.