Friday, January 22, 2010


So rarely does a movie come out that blows you away. So with that said, rarely does a GREAT Sci Fi movie come out. Recently a movie called Moon came out on DVD and Blu Ray. This is the rare movie that blows you away and the rare GREAT Sci Fi movie.
This movie stars Sam Rockwell as a man who lives on a base on the moon that’s sole purpose is to harvest moon rocks. The point of this is that Earth has found a clean power source that comes from moon rocks that with one ton load can give 70% of the population a years worth of power.
The problem, he is the only man up there with the only company is that of a robot called Gerty, voiced by Kevin Spacey. Because he ahs been up there for so long, he starts losing his mind a little and having flash backs of his past. After an accident one day, he starts searching for the truth of why he is up there.
This movie starts off wonderful, and continues to be wonderful the whole hour and forty minutes. The acting is extraordinary and the story is new and original, the effects are so well done it is life like almost. For an independent film, this is probably the best.
I highly recommend this for anyone; you don’t have to be a Sci Fi fan to enjoy this spectacular movie.

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