Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Lately, Bruce Willis really hasn’t been in any memorable movies. But recently, he has made my ears perk up with Surrogates, a new Sci Fi movie that is labeled action but is way much more then that.
The story takes place about 50 years into the future, in a world where people no longer live their lives through their own bodies, but through robots. You can create a robot to look how you want and have it be perfect, but you will be the only one that will be able to use it. With this, there hadn’t been any murders or crime in a long time, until someone kills the son of the creator or surrogate. To solve this murder, who else other then Bruce Willis, whose surrogate is rockin some good hair, is called on to it. As he gets closer to solving it, the closer he is to seeing the meaning of life.
The plot may sound silly or what have you, but it is actually a very deep movie. It isn’t a rock em sock em action flick, it shows how living life through your own eyes is more precious then through someone or something else’s eyes. I highly recommend this to anyone, it has enough action that moves it along, the story is great and the acting is very well done.
I recommend it on blu ray if you have a player.

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