Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HD confusion

So I thought that for this segment I could explain HDTV’s and Blu Rays and all that stuff that most you don’t know much about.
So let me first start this by saying how fast technology of home entertainment is growing. I mean once HDTV was introduced, it basically shot off from there.
SO what do we have? What is a good TV for me? What does it all mean?
Well I want and will try to make this simple for you so that you know what you WILL need and what will be GOOD TO have.
First, let’s start with the TV. You have to first have the right TV before anything else. So, first decide the size you want. You judge this by measuring where you want to put the TV and the size of your room. Now, I’m going to make this simpler for you all; if you are looking for a TV for your room, a good size would be a 32”. It is small enough that it won’t clutter everything and it is big enough that you will get the most out of it.
For you living room; it all depends on the size and angle you’re having this in. for a nice sized living room, a 42’ to 52’ will be sufficient. Now, if you have a larger living area or if you want a very big screen, then you will want the sizes 52”+.
While looking at sizes, you are going to notice the there things called Plasma, LCD and LED TVs. You are probably going to wonder what it all means. Well, this is going to be the most confusing part of it all. So, to make it simple I will explain them. Plasma, it, in the past, has been known to be the best quality looking, BUT, have a short lifespan. Yes this is true; but not anymore, and not if you buy a Panasonic. Panasonic has really improved the Plasma technology and made it so much better. While on Panasonic, they are releasing their 3D TV due sometime out soon.
LCD is also very good, if you are going to buy another brand I highly recommend LCD. LED on the other hand, is way better then LCD. LED is available with Samsung, and they do it best.
**just a quick note: There are TVs out that will look like you are looking out a window look. It is not a natural look for a movie, so my recommendation is to stay away from these TVs. You will know when you see it. It is when the camera moves or movement on the screen happens, when the movement will look different then most TVs. While it may look clearer, it is not. It will take away from the movie. The idea is to make a movie clearer, not unnatural looking.**

Now we move onto the Blu ray. This is simple, which ever brand TV you choose; get the same brand Blu Ray. So if you get a Panasonic TV, get a Panasonic Blu Ray. To explain Blu Ray; it is a disc that is the same size as a DVD only holds more information on it. The bottom of the disc has a special coating that helps resist any minor scratches and fingerprints. If any fingerprints get on it, it is very easy to clean.
Blu Rays have the ability to play movies and TV shows at 1080p, which is the highest HD you can go. You have the regular 480p and 760p. 480p is the usual DVD format, and with Blu Ray players, when you watch a regular DVD on it, it will actually bump the quality up; but it WILL NOT be the same as Blu Ray. So don’t think that you won’t need to buy them.

To finish off this segment here is the surround sound part. This will be the most complicated part of it all and I will very honest about it. I can only recommend brands and they type of surround, I can’t explain how to set it up though. If you need help with that, you can comment me and I can email you help, or hiring someone to do it is also best.
So, same as the Blu Ray, pick the same brand AMP as the TV and Blu Ray. Also, you will want to pick a 7.1 surround system. With this you will be able to hear sound that will REALLY surround you; this is how it is supposed to be heard.

Now, to finish this up, I am going to describe my ultimate home theater system.
First, I would have six chairs that are D-Box equipped. D-Box is a chair that is set up so that when a Blu Ray has the option, it will move with the movie. It is expensive, but very nice and well done. Then, I would the 7.1 surround sound and the bass under the chairs to give more rumble. Then, to complete it all off, I would have the 62” Panasonic 3D TV and Blu Ray system.
So that about rounds it all off, if you have any further questions, please comment and I will respond.

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