Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Series

I have previously published this in the past
but since it is the quintessential horror series for Halloween I will re-post it just for you.
This is a series that cannot be classified into one. There are so many movies and tellings that it will be difficult. So, I will review them independently to make it easier.
Halloween (1978)
This is the original one that started it all. It also is the one that started the slasher genre of horror and made it popular. It is the most simple horror movie ever and is still pretty damn scary. It has almost next to no blood, and it relies on suspense rather then blood splatters and limbs flying off. The music is very simple but makes the scenes more dramatic and scary.
The scenes where Michael will subtly appear in the background stills makes me shiver. A movie to this day doesn’t scare me as much as this one does.
Halloween II (1981)
I will usually place this one and the first one into one movie; every year I watch these movies I always think of it as one since they are both on the same night. When you think about it, this is a long freaking night.
Anyways, the here is the second in the series that was also written by John Carpenter but not directed by him. It continues the night of horror of Michael trying to kill Laurie. This movie is filled with more blood then the first, and that is only because in three years audiences wanted more and that is also what happens when you go to a big company, they basically f**k up your movie.
But, all in all, this is a very good sequel and one of my favorite sequels in this very long list of sequels.
Halloween III: Season of the witch (or Halloween III: lets take a good idea throw a name of a series onto the front but have do nothing with the series and f**k sh*t up)
I have named this that because that’s pretty much what happens. They took a very good story, put the title Halloween on the front of it and tried to sell it that way. This movie has nothing to do with Michael Myers AT ALL. That is what pisses me and most fans off most about it.
NOW, as a movie it is actually very good. The story is something that would have been great only if it had been done on its own rather then say that you wanted to write a new story every year and call it Halloween. They tried to make it like Twilight Zone or something like that.
So, skip this one if you are ever having a Halloween marathon; watch it on its own.
Halloween IV: The return of Michael Myers
Just like the title says, the return of Michael; so true, for another four sequels in this part of the series. This is a pretty good installment to the series; here we are introduced to Danielle Harris who plays Jaime Lloyd (we later see Danielle play in Rob Zombie’s reimagining) the daughter of Laurie from the first two films. She is adopted by this family after her mother dies (RIGHT…). Jaime has nightmares of her uncle Michael and fears that he will get her. But, of course, it is the day of Halloween, and who comes to get the family in the mood for this day, but her uncle.
While it may seem I am poking fun, I am not; I really enjoy these movies thoroughly. I watch them every year and this defiantly a good one to watch.
Halloween V: The revenge of Michael Myers
This one, like the first two, I declare part of the fourth one as one movie almost. It continues on with the last movie only takes place a year later, exactly a year later. Michael wakes up from his coma (I guess) and it happens to be Halloween, AGAIN. But it wouldn’t be called Halloween if it happened any other day.
So not much to say about this one, just like the last, just some added Abbott and Costello humor and a couple of brutal deaths makes this one a tad different form the last.
Halloween VI: The curse of Michael Myers
Here is the most interesting one of them all. I say this only because this is one that fans dislike almost as much as the third one. I don’t think this actually, only because this is the first one I saw when I was ten. This is one that scared the bejesus out of me. It is a more violent one of them all, except for Zombie’s, and the most confusing.
Also, this one has something special that the others don’t have, and that’s a producers cut. Yes, a producers cut; I will say this now so that the truth be known. Only problem is that they have yet to release it saying that it won’t sell enough. So if you want to watch it, you will have to search ebay or download it.
The story of this movie basically continues with the timeline of the fourth and fifth. We learn who the man in the black coat is, we learn why Michael does this, and we learn that an actor can be too old to do horror movies after five sequels. We basically learn that Michael was somehow put into this satanic cult that makes him kill all his family. Hmmm… sounds like the doings of the mayor from the show Spin City (FYI the mayor from Spin City is actually in this… that is the joke).
Now, the producers cut shows more and explains more and has a completely different ending. So all in all, the producer’s cut is much better. But, if you can not get it, the theatrical is also very good and I recommend it.

God, this is a long list….

Halloween H2O
No this movie does not involve water, nor does it involve ANY character or storyline that was in the fourth, fifth or sixth movie. It continues the storyline of the first and second and it returns Jaime Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, or Ms. Tate as she calls herself now.
This is declared the best sequel of them all; and this is very true. If you want a short list of Halloween movies to watch, just watch 1, 2 and this one.
Not much to explain about this one so let’s move on…
Halloween Resurrection
This is the absolute worst sequel of all Halloween movies. There is no point except Busta Ryhmes trying to act, adding in stupid, supposed back stories of Michael and his madness. How they got Jaime Lee to even be in this for five minutes confuses me.
With this said, it could be fun to watch, COULD be. It doesn’t move the story of the series along, all it does is just have a bunch of teens in the Myers house while doing an internet show and they all die at the hands of Michael while they deny that he is alive
Halloween (2007)
Here is Rob’s remake or as I call it, Halloween: Look at how Michael’s family was poor and white trash. All jokes aside, this is a great movie; I put it right up there with the original. It keeps to the original and it adds more back story to Michael. While a lot of people felt that you shouldn’t humanize him because he is a killer, I don’t agree; it adds more to him, like why is he driven to kill, why is he so f**ked in the head. I find it to make him scarier knowing that at one point he was just a kid and now he is a mindless killer. You sympathize for him while at the same time you don’t.
Halloween II (2009)
Here is Rob’s sequel to the remake. It doesn’t follow the original 2, it follows Rob’s own story. At first when I saw this, I hated it. I hated so much I wanted to go shoot Rob in the head. But now that the blu ray is out, I watched the director’s cut and watched it with the commentary. I rather enjoyed it now. I actually have more respect now for Rob and this movie. The theatrical movie was basically thrown together and the Weinsteins forced it out. This version is what Rob wanted and I love it.

So there you have it, all the Halloween movies. So real quick, when you watch the two new ones, watch both the theatrical and director’s cut of the first and then with the second one, watch only the director’s cut; unless you are interested how bad the theatrical was.

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