Friday, September 10, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife

So this is the first post in a very long while. So I thought I would try to catch up and start with the final Resident Evil movie.
For those of you who don't know, the first one was directed by Paul W.S Anderson and the next two were directed by others while he just wrote the scripts.this one was again written by him but he is in the directors chair again.
How I see it is that the first one was the best, while the second one just flat out sucked and the third was pretty good, this one however I would match up to the first. The style is like the first and the feel of it is also. Anderson has a special way with visuals and taking something cheesy and giving it some bulk to make it look better.
The story is a little bogged at times, but overall it keeps going and keeps you entertained. The 3D aspect of it isn't as good as say Avatar or as fun as Pirahna 3D, but the action sequences are definatly enhanced by it.
Speaking of the action, some complaints I have been hearing so far are mostly about the slow motion. There are a lot of times that slow motion is used and almost gives it a Matrix look to it. While for some it gets tidious, honestly it makes it look better. It slows down the action for a little bit and makes it look a lot better and more intersting. One thing that I hate is 3D movies with fast action and you can't tell what is what and where. The slow motion is used at perfect timeing and to the point to make it look good rather then a drawn out slow motion with doves that John Woo uses.
While this is not much concern to most, the music in the movie is improved from the last two. In the first one was done by Marco Beltrami and Marilyn Manson. To me it stuck out and made the movie all the more intrigueing; but the next two didnt have that feel. While this one is scored by Tomandandy, it brings back the some of the sound of the original that I enjoyed.
Overall, if you like the movie series and the games but can handle the fact the movie is not directly the story to the game, then you wil enjoy this movie.

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