Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This review is on Michael Moore’s new movie Capitalism: A Love Story. Ironically, it is anything but a love story; it is his new attempt to show how much he really hated Bush, while ripping the large companies of America a new one.
A lot of people don’t like this man, AT ALL! Even people he sometimes gets onto film tell him to quit making movies. Well, after finishing this movie this morning, I hope he doesn’t. People say that he doesn’t have facts or that he just says his own opinion, well yeah he says his own opinion, like everyone in the world, he also shows other side to things. He will take hard facts and throw it at you and say this is how it is and what I think. People are afraid of that, they are afraid of the truth, that’s why most people don’t like him.
In his last movie Sicko, he tried to rip healthcare a new one also. He said and showed us things that are hard facts, again, and people still disagree and say he is a bigot and anti-American. He has never once said that he hates America, he just hates people that run it, and the road that it is going down. If you say you hate him then you are just consumed by the lies that are told by you by the media and government. I am not putting this up here as a rant on government or conspiracies or anything like that, I am only to say that this man makes great documentaries that get the job done.
So, if you have seen Fahrenheit 9/11 or Bowling for Columbine, and you enjoyed them, then rent or buy this today, it will really open your eyes.

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