Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hello all… it has been awhile since I was last on…
So I am back… and my first movie back will be the best movie of 2009.
Bronson is about Charles Bronson; no, not the actor, but the most violent man in England. He spent 34 years in prison and 30 years of that was in solitary confinement. Even though all he had on his mind was violence and punching the crap out of people, he was very artistic. All he wanted was to be famous.
The movie which shows him as a kid briefly, follows him from when he first goes into prison to when he gets out of prison to only then go back months later. While in prison, he would start fights with guards, with other prisoners, just to get a rise out of people. He loved to be hit so that he will hit back harder.
The movie can easily be compared to A Clockwork Orange in the way it tells the story and the style of the film making. For example, there are scenes where the camera will just pan across a room or follow characters in one take just like Kubrick did in his films. While it is like this, the movie takes on its own feel, its own life. While the movie is very violent, has a few scenes of male nudity and lots of language, it is very entertaining to watch. There are scenes that you just cant help but laugh at, and scenes that you just squirm at. I recommend it to anyone who likes violent movies, but it is defiantly not for kids.

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