Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saw Series

I have not been the best at keeping up with the 31 nights of Halloween Horror
so here are a few movies in one
So now that the Saw series is finally over, and I am pretty sure it is now, I can review all of them as one movie.
The series follows a man named Jigsaw, for reasons because he takes a puzzle piece off of his victims skin after they die. He will take people who take life for granted and put them to the test of grotesque actions to be done, like chopping off an arm or sacrifice someone else.
The original was very well done, it was suspenseful and new. It was more then just 'hey we are going to throw as much blood at you for no reason' while that did happen, also started the craze for a twist, and not just a twist but one that you wouldn't see coming.
The sequels continued the concept of the traps and the character Jigsaw and still had twists, the only problem was that it started being only about the twists and how many different story lines and twists they could fit in. While it was exciting to see the way it was done, it got a little old and repetitive.
I also noticed, while watching the fourth one, that the series basically takes place within a 6 month to a year time period. Which is odd when you think about it.
So every year a new Saw comes out just before Halloween, to get you in the mood, and they ultimately do well; making their budget plus double. Although, last year, the sixth one slumped in part due to Paranormal Activity and its rave at scaring people senseless, and the fact people were starting to get sick of the movies. This year, it is competing with a new Paranormal Activity but has the plus side of more profit from the 3D. Will it do well this year, or is the 'final' Saw the final straw for audiences?
Well, after being confused through 6 movies and characters dieing off and new and old ones coming on, this one offers a character we haven't seen since the first one, Dr. Gordan. Whatever happened to him and where did he go? Well you will find out when you watch this movie.
I have to say though, that this is the best since the first one. It has to sort of redeem and conclude itself from the previous ones, and I think it did that very well. It finally explains the box Jill gets from number 4... or was it 5... no it was... oh well... and it finally shows where the hell Dr Gordan has been. It continues its blood and gore but makes the traps suspenseful again like in the first two; the 3D also adds some more fun to it. It isn't the best use of 3D but ti isn't the worst either.
So go see the concluding chapter of this short and long lasting series that started the Torture Porn in Horror genre.

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