Friday, March 5, 2010

The Wolfman

Who doesn’t like a good old school horror movie? Well this is a great old school horror movie redone. The classic, which was released in 1941, was scary to audiences but not to us these days. While the idea of remakes makes people shudder, they have to realize that older movies like that classic Wolf man or Dracula doesn’t scary people today who see so many horror movies now where something big and loud has to jump on the screen. Also, some movies do deserve a good update.
The story, Benicio Del Toro plays Lawrence Talbot; a man who goes back to his home town after finding out his brother had been killed. When he gets there, he learns that the townsfolk are frightened of a beast that they say killed him. We later learn this beast is a, of course, werewolf. This werewolf attacks Lawrence and he starts feeling the change, to add to complications, a detective Abberline comes to town to try and figure out what exactly is going on, and also, his father isn’t helping things by keeping secret of what is going on. Complications arise more when Lawrence starts to fall for his brother’s widow.

I saw this movie in August in a special sneek peek and was amazed at how good it was. The acting by everyone is phenomenal; Anthony Hopkins plays Lawrence’s father, and he plays it so well. Benicio is suburb as the Wolf Man and Hugo Weaving , or as most of you know him as Agent Smith, plays the detective very well.
Overall, the movie is very good, there are some slow points but that’s to develop the story further, maybe even too much though. The special effects are amazing; it shows a real werewolf transformation rather then todays ‘twilight’ werewolf crap where all they do is walk around shirtless and can change whenever they want and can change almost instantly. This is the true werewolf story here; the man changes on the full moon, it is a slow and painful looking process and it looks like a wolf – man rather then a giant dog.
The other cool thing I found about this movie is that the climax looks and feels like the original; it has a black and white hue to it while the damsel in distress is being chased through the woods.
Overall, the movie is a three star out of four stars; it is a very good movie, the only thing holding it back is the slow parts that kind of drag on and on. But, it is still a very entertaining movie to watch. Warning for kids though; this movie is very violent, there are scenes of limbs being chopped off and blood and gore. These scenes can get very brutal at times, so if you are thinking of taking the kids, be warned.

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