Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

So it has been awhile since my last post. Sorry to those that actually read this.
So today I am actually going to post a couple of reviews and whatnot to make up for it. The variety of movies will be a little random from older movies to ones just released.

So to start off the list, here is a movie released into theatres on Christmas Day:
Sherlock Holmes
Not many people have actually read the books or know any of the stories of Sherlock. Well, for this movie, you don’t need to really know much about the books. The movie, while good, is pretty bland. The story is simple but is told in a complex way to try and confuse you to make it seem that there is a lot going on.
The movie is about two hours long and is very stretched out. There is about thirty minutes that could have been taken out and still made the same point. Now, with that said, while there is a lot of fluff, the movie has its funny parts and very good action. The character of Holmes is played by Downey jr. very well. The way that Holmes thinks and figures things out is very cool and this is what carries the movie on to be at least some what watchable.
So, with that said, again, while this movie is a little boring at times, it is still fun to watch but not one to rush to go see right away.

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