Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Informant

Matt Damon is an actor I don’t usually rant and rave about, but I am starting to think different lately after seeing his latest movie, The Informant. In this movie, which is based of real events but adds humor to it, Matt plays Mark Whitacre, a guy who works for ADM. He wants to get further in the company, so he plots to sabotage the heads of the company to get there faster.
So in doing so, he comes up with a fake story, he lies to the FBI, and he lies to everyone even after he is caught doing so. While this isn’t exactly supposed to be a comedy, IT IS a dark comedy. The humor is very subtle and most people won’t catch any humor, but some will get it and be laughing.
Matt Damon did a spectacular job at this character, by gaining weight and just the way the guys acts. The little monologue also adds some great humor as to what exactly is going on in that guy’s head.
So with this… I recommend this movie to people who like dry-ish humor and/or Matt Damon as an actor.

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