Saturday, October 2, 2010

Halloween Day 1 & 2

So I forgot to do a Halloween movie yesterday, so today I will give you a double trouble.

So for the first Halloween movie to kick start this month is Rocky Horror Picture. You probably will be asking, 'Why this, why a musical?' well I say this for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it isn't like most musicals, it is not a sappy romantic type, it is weird, random, full bisexual-ism and transvestites. It is one you can watch on Halloween and have a reason to dress up for it, if you do not already, and not get looked at weird. It is not a scary movie, but it is a fun movie watch alone or with a big group of friends.

The next one, though, IS a scary movie. It is declared one of the most scariest movies in a long time. I, for one, agree. I do not get scared easy with movies anymore, so when I saw this one, I was surprised and almost pissed myself, every time I saw it; Paranormal Activity. This is the movie that tells the story of a couple who start experiencing strange things, so the boyfriend buys a camera so that they can record the events while they sleep.
The first thirty minutes or so are a little slow and not much scary happens, but when it starts happening, it will put you on the edge. During the night sequences, there is no music soundtrack, there is a lot of bass. It is put there to give like a presence that the demon is there. It is also what makes you feel so tense during these scenes. It is like a sub conscience thing when your watching it.
So, has you are watching and seeing the story unfolding as to what it is and why it is doing it, you get scared senseless, as more nights progress, scarier things happen and certain stunts that happen still mind boggle me as to how they did it for such a small budget.
A few people do not find this movie to be scary, but a lot do; it just really depends on what scars you or how much imagination you put into a movie. But this is definitely a great scary one for you and your friends to watch in the dark with surround and bass turned up very loud.

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