Friday, January 8, 2010

Brad Pitt

So today I thought that maybe I should try a new thing… again. Every Friday I will take an actor or actress and review some of their movies.
So today I am choosing Brad Pitt.

Inglorious Bastards
This is a good one to start with. This movie, directed by Quentin Tarantino, is one of the best of 2009. This is a story of a group of American Jews during WWII who go to Germany to kill Nazi soldiers basically. It is highly fictionalized, of course, in Tarantino’s own way.
Its very violent and very long but very, VERY good. If you don’t like Tarantino I can almost be honest you might not like this.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button
This is probably one of his best roles. The story is about a guy named Benjamin Button, he was born looking like he was in his 80s and as he gets older in age, and his body goes in the reverse.
It is one of the best movies I have seen; it is funny, sad and adventurous. Just the whole story keeps you enthralled to the very end… or beginning, however you look at it.

Burn After Reading
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It has its funny moments and that is when Brad Pitt is on the screen, but other then that, it is horrible. George Clooney bugs you throughout his performance along with almost the entire cast as well. If you skip this movie, you won’t be missing anything at all.

This is also one of his best movies and one of my top 10 favorites. It s a classic cat mouse movie but shocks you like none other.

Fight Club
Saved the best for last; this is my all time favorite Brad Pitt movie and on my top 5 favorite movie. This is a movie that I can say is just as good or better then the book.
The psychology behind the story and characters is phenomenal and the way that’s made keeps you going and thinking without realizing what’s really going on. I highly recommend this movie to any Pitt fans or movie fanatics.

Here is a list of great Pitt movies:
Meet Joe Black
Interview with a vampire
Ocean’s eleven
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
And The Assassination of Jesse James

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