Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Social Network

Where did Facebook start? Who started and why did they? Well I never really thought about it or let alone wondered. We live in a time of everyone know what and who you are, just go online to their Facebook or Myspace; more so Facebook now though. Where am I going with this? The Social Network; a new movie from David Fincher (Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fight Club). This is not just a biography of the guy who invented Facebook, it the beginnings of what defines a new generation, how people communicate. That right there is why this movie works, it is not a boring life story of the guy from when he was born, it is how he started it and the troubles of it.
The plot is pretty self explaining as I have already gave the premise above. Was it good? It was not just good, it was great. Everything about it was; the acting, writing, editing, everything. I have had my doubts about Jesse Eisenberg, he seemed like another Micheal Cera to me. In Zombieland, he was like a Michael Cera... who killed zombies. But this time around, he isn't just playing a nerdy type, he is playing a multi-dimensional character, someone who is smart and sarcastic. He plays the character so well, I didn't see Michael Cera anymore, I saw someone who has potential to be a great actor.
Has we have seen in previous Fincher movies, we know that he is very good at what he wants in his movie; he has a keen eye, he brings life to his movies no matter if it is a thriller or a drama. He keeps the pace moving so that it doesn't slow down and you end up getting bored, but at the same time, he doesn't make it go so fast that you miss what happened.
Whether this is complete facts as to what really happened or some of it was added, whatever maybe the thing behind it, ultimately this is a great movie. Whether they made him look like an asshole in the movie and in real life he isn't, which I do not think they did in the movie in my opinion, as a movie it is great.


  1. Eisenburg is a much more sophisticated actor than Cera. I happen to enjoy Cera very much. Just saying.

  2. And i agree because he finally is showing his true potential here as an actor.
