Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Series

I have previously published this in the past
but since it is the quintessential horror series for Halloween I will re-post it just for you.
This is a series that cannot be classified into one. There are so many movies and tellings that it will be difficult. So, I will review them independently to make it easier.
Halloween (1978)
This is the original one that started it all. It also is the one that started the slasher genre of horror and made it popular. It is the most simple horror movie ever and is still pretty damn scary. It has almost next to no blood, and it relies on suspense rather then blood splatters and limbs flying off. The music is very simple but makes the scenes more dramatic and scary.
The scenes where Michael will subtly appear in the background stills makes me shiver. A movie to this day doesn’t scare me as much as this one does.
Halloween II (1981)
I will usually place this one and the first one into one movie; every year I watch these movies I always think of it as one since they are both on the same night. When you think about it, this is a long freaking night.
Anyways, the here is the second in the series that was also written by John Carpenter but not directed by him. It continues the night of horror of Michael trying to kill Laurie. This movie is filled with more blood then the first, and that is only because in three years audiences wanted more and that is also what happens when you go to a big company, they basically f**k up your movie.
But, all in all, this is a very good sequel and one of my favorite sequels in this very long list of sequels.
Halloween III: Season of the witch (or Halloween III: lets take a good idea throw a name of a series onto the front but have do nothing with the series and f**k sh*t up)
I have named this that because that’s pretty much what happens. They took a very good story, put the title Halloween on the front of it and tried to sell it that way. This movie has nothing to do with Michael Myers AT ALL. That is what pisses me and most fans off most about it.
NOW, as a movie it is actually very good. The story is something that would have been great only if it had been done on its own rather then say that you wanted to write a new story every year and call it Halloween. They tried to make it like Twilight Zone or something like that.
So, skip this one if you are ever having a Halloween marathon; watch it on its own.
Halloween IV: The return of Michael Myers
Just like the title says, the return of Michael; so true, for another four sequels in this part of the series. This is a pretty good installment to the series; here we are introduced to Danielle Harris who plays Jaime Lloyd (we later see Danielle play in Rob Zombie’s reimagining) the daughter of Laurie from the first two films. She is adopted by this family after her mother dies (RIGHT…). Jaime has nightmares of her uncle Michael and fears that he will get her. But, of course, it is the day of Halloween, and who comes to get the family in the mood for this day, but her uncle.
While it may seem I am poking fun, I am not; I really enjoy these movies thoroughly. I watch them every year and this defiantly a good one to watch.
Halloween V: The revenge of Michael Myers
This one, like the first two, I declare part of the fourth one as one movie almost. It continues on with the last movie only takes place a year later, exactly a year later. Michael wakes up from his coma (I guess) and it happens to be Halloween, AGAIN. But it wouldn’t be called Halloween if it happened any other day.
So not much to say about this one, just like the last, just some added Abbott and Costello humor and a couple of brutal deaths makes this one a tad different form the last.
Halloween VI: The curse of Michael Myers
Here is the most interesting one of them all. I say this only because this is one that fans dislike almost as much as the third one. I don’t think this actually, only because this is the first one I saw when I was ten. This is one that scared the bejesus out of me. It is a more violent one of them all, except for Zombie’s, and the most confusing.
Also, this one has something special that the others don’t have, and that’s a producers cut. Yes, a producers cut; I will say this now so that the truth be known. Only problem is that they have yet to release it saying that it won’t sell enough. So if you want to watch it, you will have to search ebay or download it.
The story of this movie basically continues with the timeline of the fourth and fifth. We learn who the man in the black coat is, we learn why Michael does this, and we learn that an actor can be too old to do horror movies after five sequels. We basically learn that Michael was somehow put into this satanic cult that makes him kill all his family. Hmmm… sounds like the doings of the mayor from the show Spin City (FYI the mayor from Spin City is actually in this… that is the joke).
Now, the producers cut shows more and explains more and has a completely different ending. So all in all, the producer’s cut is much better. But, if you can not get it, the theatrical is also very good and I recommend it.

God, this is a long list….

Halloween H2O
No this movie does not involve water, nor does it involve ANY character or storyline that was in the fourth, fifth or sixth movie. It continues the storyline of the first and second and it returns Jaime Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, or Ms. Tate as she calls herself now.
This is declared the best sequel of them all; and this is very true. If you want a short list of Halloween movies to watch, just watch 1, 2 and this one.
Not much to explain about this one so let’s move on…
Halloween Resurrection
This is the absolute worst sequel of all Halloween movies. There is no point except Busta Ryhmes trying to act, adding in stupid, supposed back stories of Michael and his madness. How they got Jaime Lee to even be in this for five minutes confuses me.
With this said, it could be fun to watch, COULD be. It doesn’t move the story of the series along, all it does is just have a bunch of teens in the Myers house while doing an internet show and they all die at the hands of Michael while they deny that he is alive
Halloween (2007)
Here is Rob’s remake or as I call it, Halloween: Look at how Michael’s family was poor and white trash. All jokes aside, this is a great movie; I put it right up there with the original. It keeps to the original and it adds more back story to Michael. While a lot of people felt that you shouldn’t humanize him because he is a killer, I don’t agree; it adds more to him, like why is he driven to kill, why is he so f**ked in the head. I find it to make him scarier knowing that at one point he was just a kid and now he is a mindless killer. You sympathize for him while at the same time you don’t.
Halloween II (2009)
Here is Rob’s sequel to the remake. It doesn’t follow the original 2, it follows Rob’s own story. At first when I saw this, I hated it. I hated so much I wanted to go shoot Rob in the head. But now that the blu ray is out, I watched the director’s cut and watched it with the commentary. I rather enjoyed it now. I actually have more respect now for Rob and this movie. The theatrical movie was basically thrown together and the Weinsteins forced it out. This version is what Rob wanted and I love it.

So there you have it, all the Halloween movies. So real quick, when you watch the two new ones, watch both the theatrical and director’s cut of the first and then with the second one, watch only the director’s cut; unless you are interested how bad the theatrical was.

Saw Series

I have not been the best at keeping up with the 31 nights of Halloween Horror
so here are a few movies in one
So now that the Saw series is finally over, and I am pretty sure it is now, I can review all of them as one movie.
The series follows a man named Jigsaw, for reasons because he takes a puzzle piece off of his victims skin after they die. He will take people who take life for granted and put them to the test of grotesque actions to be done, like chopping off an arm or sacrifice someone else.
The original was very well done, it was suspenseful and new. It was more then just 'hey we are going to throw as much blood at you for no reason' while that did happen, also started the craze for a twist, and not just a twist but one that you wouldn't see coming.
The sequels continued the concept of the traps and the character Jigsaw and still had twists, the only problem was that it started being only about the twists and how many different story lines and twists they could fit in. While it was exciting to see the way it was done, it got a little old and repetitive.
I also noticed, while watching the fourth one, that the series basically takes place within a 6 month to a year time period. Which is odd when you think about it.
So every year a new Saw comes out just before Halloween, to get you in the mood, and they ultimately do well; making their budget plus double. Although, last year, the sixth one slumped in part due to Paranormal Activity and its rave at scaring people senseless, and the fact people were starting to get sick of the movies. This year, it is competing with a new Paranormal Activity but has the plus side of more profit from the 3D. Will it do well this year, or is the 'final' Saw the final straw for audiences?
Well, after being confused through 6 movies and characters dieing off and new and old ones coming on, this one offers a character we haven't seen since the first one, Dr. Gordan. Whatever happened to him and where did he go? Well you will find out when you watch this movie.
I have to say though, that this is the best since the first one. It has to sort of redeem and conclude itself from the previous ones, and I think it did that very well. It finally explains the box Jill gets from number 4... or was it 5... no it was... oh well... and it finally shows where the hell Dr Gordan has been. It continues its blood and gore but makes the traps suspenseful again like in the first two; the 3D also adds some more fun to it. It isn't the best use of 3D but ti isn't the worst either.
So go see the concluding chapter of this short and long lasting series that started the Torture Porn in Horror genre.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Day 5 - 11

So I am not doing well at keeping up with this. So here is seven days of movies.
Drag Me to Hell
This is a movie marking the return of Sam Raimi to the horror genre since Evil Dead. So when you watch this, expect funny moments and absurd moments.
A woman who works at a bank as a loan officer is approached one day by an old woman who is seeking help on her house. She denies her a loan in a way to help her on her way to getting the assistant managers position. After doing this, the old woman curses her with a demon that will drag her to hell in three days.
This is a fun scary movie, which is odd and not done often anymore. But when you do it, you must do it right, and Sam Raimi is the man to do so. The movie has some parts that make you jump and will make you laugh, but then make you jump again. It isn't a Halloween classic but a good one to enjoy.

The Shining
This is Stanley Kubrick adaptation of Stephen King's novel. While King did NOT like this at all (he later adapted into a television miniseries) a lot of horror fans love it. It has the label of the first horror epic, which you do not hear of often at all.
Jack Torrence gets a job as caretaker for the Overlook Hotel in the Colorado mountains. He takes his family there to watch over it for the winter. By the middle of the winter, he starts to lose his mind eventually becoming an axe wielding maniac.
While this movie isn't one to watch to get a jumps of fright from, it is one that will keep you tense and in suspense. It also has a lot of back story and psychological things behind which make it more interesting.

Paranormal Activity
I have already reviewed this I believe, so I am going to put this on the list anyways since the sequel comes out soon.
This is a frightening film. It is either you love it or hate it. I put this on because it is one you can scare your friends with. You can turn this on, turn all lights off and turn the surround all the way on.

Night of the Living Dead
This is the first of the Romero Dead series, and is the best. This one is a better choice for Halloween over the rest because it has a more frightening feel to it. The survivors are stuck in a house while the dead starting walking the earth and they must come together to survive. That is what gives it it's suspense. The film was also filmed in black and white which adds to it. But just because it is on black and white doesn't mean it isn't violent; when you actually watch it, you notice that it is. With the zombies eating and ripping at the flesh of humans. Which is what makes this a great movie for Halloween.

The Exorcist
While not scary to some, and scary to others, this is the most chilling movie ever made. When reading about the making of this movie, and watching it, you will too get freaked out. The classic movie stars upcoming star Linda Blair as a little girl that becomes possessed by the devil.
This movie is a classic because of everything from pea soup to head spinning. It is one to watch on Halloween, especially the Director's Cut, so that you can see her crawl down the stairs... upside down!

The Fog
After his success with Halloween, John Carpenter came out with this movie about a small town that gets attacked by a mysterious fog that carries a secret with it... Ghosts!
While premise may seem stupid, while watching it, in your gut you get a little fear, not only are the ghosts that come out of the fog kind of creepy, but what if you were to come to a fog bank and that actually happens...?
It is the small things like that which make John Carpenter one of the greatest Horror Masters of the 80s.

The Ring
This movie was shunned or hated by people that loved the original Japanese version, that is until they watch it.
While I agree, they original has it's own feel to it that makes it more creepy, this one scares you way more. The atmosphere and the downright scary girl that crawls out the TV just does it for me. After seeing this movie, I couldn't sleep with a television in my room every again.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Day 3 & 4

Yet again I went and forgot. So here to day is two for the price of one for your Halloween movies.

Here is a title that is good if you have kids and you do not want them to see a scary one, Hocus Pocus. It is a Disney film starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy as three ditsy witches. In the 1800s Winifred, Sarah and Mary were witches who were stealing kids and sucking their soul out to make themselves younger. As they are in the middle of doing so, the townspeople come and hang them for being witches. Just before they are hanged, they do a spell that will bring them back to life if a virgin lights the black flamed candle, but only for one night.
Fast forward to 1994, someone does just that. The movie becomes a fight to keep the children souls and the witches book away from them.
This is not only a Midler classic, but a Halloween classic. It is not a scary movie, it is a fun one. Very fun. It has a lot of funny moments, it has zombies, talking cats and a dance party to die for. So whether you have kids, or you don't, this is still a great one to watch.

This next one is a new Halloween classic, one that you watch every year. It is called Trick r Treat. It stars Brian Cox, Anna Paquin and Dylan Baker. It is on the level of Cat's Eye and Twilight Zone: The Movie because it is four different stories interwoven. They all have a common connection though which makes it a lot better. The common connection is either characters from other stories are seen walking in the background or communicate for a short bit between characters of the story happening right then. The biggest connection is a little walking pumpkin named Sam (in tradition for Sam Hein for Halloween).
This is a new Halloween classic because it has a teacher that kills with his son, werewolves and ghost children that dies in a bus crash. This is a fun movie, but offers some scares that will make you jump.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Let Me In

This is a movie based off of a book which was made into a movie in Sweden. The book is very good and the movie was very good also. One of the few foreign movies I like. When I first heard about this remake, I was very angry. The original was just made and released into America about two years ago and they already had to Americanize it. Once I started seeing previews for it, I started to get a little hope for it, not much though. Then I read a couple interviews with the director and what he had to say about it, a little more intrigued. So I finally let in and gave it the shot, and I am not upset I did.
The story is a boy named Owen, he is a quiet, pale 12 year old who lives with his single over religious mother in an apartment complex in New Mexico. He gets picked on at school, he is smart and has no friends. That is until new neighbors move in, an older guy and a little girl. Owen starts to talk to this little and he ultimately learns her secret as to why she can't be outside in the sun and they become best friends, or a 12 year old couple.
For this movie being the second major film from director Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) I was very surprised. I did not think he could pull something this stylistic and well done off like he did. The movie is not a horror movie exactly, it is more of a thriller drama. From the previews one would think it was a scary movie, but no. I would describe as being how Twilight should be, show the vampires for how they really are, violent but can be humane, do not sparkle in the sun and no werewolves. It shows a Romeo and Juliet type love story between a boy and a girl who is a vampire. So for a vampire movie that is also a love story but keeps to the true vampire lore, then this is the movie for you. If you aren't into the vampire lore, give it a shot, you will like it.

The Social Network

Where did Facebook start? Who started and why did they? Well I never really thought about it or let alone wondered. We live in a time of everyone know what and who you are, just go online to their Facebook or Myspace; more so Facebook now though. Where am I going with this? The Social Network; a new movie from David Fincher (Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fight Club). This is not just a biography of the guy who invented Facebook, it the beginnings of what defines a new generation, how people communicate. That right there is why this movie works, it is not a boring life story of the guy from when he was born, it is how he started it and the troubles of it.
The plot is pretty self explaining as I have already gave the premise above. Was it good? It was not just good, it was great. Everything about it was; the acting, writing, editing, everything. I have had my doubts about Jesse Eisenberg, he seemed like another Micheal Cera to me. In Zombieland, he was like a Michael Cera... who killed zombies. But this time around, he isn't just playing a nerdy type, he is playing a multi-dimensional character, someone who is smart and sarcastic. He plays the character so well, I didn't see Michael Cera anymore, I saw someone who has potential to be a great actor.
Has we have seen in previous Fincher movies, we know that he is very good at what he wants in his movie; he has a keen eye, he brings life to his movies no matter if it is a thriller or a drama. He keeps the pace moving so that it doesn't slow down and you end up getting bored, but at the same time, he doesn't make it go so fast that you miss what happened.
Whether this is complete facts as to what really happened or some of it was added, whatever maybe the thing behind it, ultimately this is a great movie. Whether they made him look like an asshole in the movie and in real life he isn't, which I do not think they did in the movie in my opinion, as a movie it is great.

Halloween Day 1 & 2

So I forgot to do a Halloween movie yesterday, so today I will give you a double trouble.

So for the first Halloween movie to kick start this month is Rocky Horror Picture. You probably will be asking, 'Why this, why a musical?' well I say this for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it isn't like most musicals, it is not a sappy romantic type, it is weird, random, full bisexual-ism and transvestites. It is one you can watch on Halloween and have a reason to dress up for it, if you do not already, and not get looked at weird. It is not a scary movie, but it is a fun movie watch alone or with a big group of friends.

The next one, though, IS a scary movie. It is declared one of the most scariest movies in a long time. I, for one, agree. I do not get scared easy with movies anymore, so when I saw this one, I was surprised and almost pissed myself, every time I saw it; Paranormal Activity. This is the movie that tells the story of a couple who start experiencing strange things, so the boyfriend buys a camera so that they can record the events while they sleep.
The first thirty minutes or so are a little slow and not much scary happens, but when it starts happening, it will put you on the edge. During the night sequences, there is no music soundtrack, there is a lot of bass. It is put there to give like a presence that the demon is there. It is also what makes you feel so tense during these scenes. It is like a sub conscience thing when your watching it.
So, has you are watching and seeing the story unfolding as to what it is and why it is doing it, you get scared senseless, as more nights progress, scarier things happen and certain stunts that happen still mind boggle me as to how they did it for such a small budget.
A few people do not find this movie to be scary, but a lot do; it just really depends on what scars you or how much imagination you put into a movie. But this is definitely a great scary one for you and your friends to watch in the dark with surround and bass turned up very loud.