Monday, December 21, 2009

Brittany Murphy :(

With yet another recent death of a celebrity, Brittany Murphy, I am going to list a few of her best movies.

8 Mile
She starred in this drama alongside rapper Eminem. Not only is this movie one of my top ten favorites but one of my favorite movies that Brittany is in. She does very well playing Eminem's love interest in the movie. The movie itself, though, is spectacular. After seeing this, I wish that Eminem would act a little more.
But, I do not recommend this to everyone. If you do not like Eminem at all or rap, you will not like this movie.

Just Married
This is one of my all time favorite romantic comedies. It is so quirky and funny, it had me on the ground first time I saw it. Brittany is so funny and cute in this that you just gotta love her! This is also one of favorite movies with Ashton Kutcher. Him and her are perfect on screen in this.

Uptown Girls
Now this movie is so good. It isn't her best, though, it still is funny while also has it's dramatic parts.

Sin City
This is a role that she wasn't in but 20 min of on screen. This is for more of action fans and comic book fans. While this movie is one of the ultimate and best comic book adaptation next to Dark Knight, it has a lot of stars in it. Brittany is great in this movie, but don't recommend it unless you like action.

last but not least,
One of her earlier roles, this movie also stars John Legizamo. This movie is so spectacular, but it is very dizzying to say the least. It is all about drugs, and it shows what it looks like to be on them. It makes Requiem For A Dream look like Barney. But, with that said, it is a great movie and Brittany is PHENOMENAL in it!

While this is only a select few, there are a few other movies she is in and she shines brightly.
So go check her out.
Brittany Murphy <3

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot she was in Spun! That was a hard movie to watch, but Brittany did do a bang up job in the movie. The only other movies I have seen her in is; Clueless and Sin City. She was a great actress but I feel she had more to come in the future. It's sad to see her pass.
