Friday, December 18, 2009


So, after 2hrs and 30 or so min, I am here to give you a complete opinion on 'Avatar'.
First off, I gotta say that so far IMAX has yet to let me down. Their presentation of movies is just phenomenal to say the least. The picture, the sound, the 3D is spectacular (although the glasses are a little uncomfortable) it makes you feel like you are literally right there in the movie it's that good.

Now on to the movie:
Here is a movie that is directed by James Cameron. He has directed such movies as Terminator 1 and 2, True lies, Aliens and best of all, Titanic. Now, while some of you don't care for Titanic as much as I do, you have to look at it from the movie itself, how well it was made. I have have yet to see a James Cameron movie that I disliked to Hated. The only one i could think of is his first movie which was Piranha 2 back in like the 70s.
He takes his time with movies, he makes sure EVERYTHING is just right. He doesn't put out 2 or 3 movies a year just to make a profit. NO.
Avatar for example; he thought up this story when he was a teenager and has been working on it ever since. when he was done with Titanic, he had the opportunity to make it, but said no. He wanted technology of movie making to advance so that he could make it to how he saw it.
Ten years later... the wait is over and well worth it.

The story is, in a world where the Na'vi live, a planet called Pandora, there is a rock that humans want that holds a lot of power and it is worth a lot of money. The problem: the Na'vi live right above where a majority of this rock is. So, they send in a Marine, who takes control of an avatar that looks exactly like one of the Na'vi, to try and become one of them so that he can gain their trust so that he may convince them to leave or else the military will come in and just destroy them and everything else.
I'll let you see it before I say anymore.

This movie was PHENOMENAL! Words can't even begin to describe this movie. I can only say is that this is the 'Gone with the wind' of today. The graphics are supberb, the acting is very well done, the story and the script are fantastic. This movie is so well done that for the 2 hours you are watching, you forget you are even in a theater watching it. The world that is created is so beautiful that you wish you could be there. This isn't some Lucas 'Star Wars' type; no! This is a land so colorful and so full of depth, that you wish were real.

I have read a few reviews already (and watched the South Park episode) and people are saying that the story is unoriginal. That it is JUST like 'Dances With Wolves'. Remember that movie.... neither do I. While yes, the IDEA of a guy becoming one with a new 'tribe' and having to choice between one he came from to one he learns from is identical between the two movies, but how many other movies, though, have you seen these days where movies are their own anymore. Today all we see is remakes, reimaginings, sequels what have you.
All I say is.... go see this and have your breath taken away.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mr. movie reviewer, drugs are bad, mkay, so don't do drugs, mkay because if you do do (haha) drugs your gonna mess yourself up, mkay. So, in conclusion, DRUGS ARE BAD, MKAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
