Monday, April 26, 2010

Kick Ass

Kick Ass

This movie was anticipating for a long time when I first saw the posters at the theater. I mean how often you get to see little girls kicking ass with a large group of grown men.
The story is about this guy who loves comic books and sits at Atomic Comics with his friends, and then after wards getting mugged mugged by two guys. One day he decides that he has had it with not doing something about it, so he buys a scuba costume off of ebay and calls himself Kick Ass.
After he gets his name out there, he sparks the interest of Big Daddy and Hit Girl, a father and his daughter who have been striking up a revenge plot for a long time against a mob boss. They meet up with him and teach him a few things about doing what they do.
Before I give too much away, how about you go see it.
This movie is very funny, very violent and very, very gory. It shows that if you believe so much in what you believe in, you can stand up and be a hero; you just don’t have special powers like most others.

Girls will be girls

This weeks Gay Cinema pick

Girls will be girls
This movie is an independent film starring some funniest drag queens playing women who are trying to make it big in Hollywood.
This movie is like Mommie Dearest but made to be very funny rather then on accident.
It isn’t as good as last weeks pick (The Birdcage) but it is still up there.
The story is about an old B-movie actress, Evie, who is aging horribly, and her friend, Coco, whom is treated like a maid, and their new roommate, Varla, who dreams to become an actress. Evie becomes jealous of Varla and swears by it that she will destroy her if it is the last thing she does.
The movie is full of humor and spoofs Mommie Dearest among other classic movies and it does it very well to where you will be on the floor.

Avatar Blu Ray

Here is this weeks Blu Ray review

So Avatar fans got what they wanted, the biggest Blu Ray/DVD release of the year. You all already know my review on the movie itself, so here is the review for the Blu Ray.
This is probably the best Blu Ray you could ever buy. If you have the best home theater system, then this is the movie to put it all to the test. Fox home Entertainment and James Cameron worked on this Blu Ray to make it the best possible and it shows. They took out all unnecessary things, like previews and whatnot. They made enough space on the disc so that they could make the movie itself fit onto the disc and keep the high quality but make it better.
If you have the right TV, when you watch this movie, you will be able to see every detail of the trees and creatures of this amazing world. Even the DVD has some promise. So if anytime to get a new TV and Blu Ray player, the time is now.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Birdcage

The Birdcage is my pick for today’s best Gay Film.
This is one of my all time favorite comedies with Nathan Lane or Robin Williams. They play Gay lovers who own a Gay nightclub in Florida. One day, their son comes home to tell them that he is getting married… to a senator’s daughter. Little do they know though, that he is running for reelection and is writing the Committee for Moral Order. So, in order for the senator and his wife to approve of the marriage, Armand (Robin Williams) and Albert (Nathan Lane) must play it straight. But what about a woman? What of their extremely Gay butler? What about the Gay nightclub they live above? All these questions are answered in this hilarious movie that will sure give you a ‘Gay’ old time.

Blu Ray 2012

It has been awhile since my last post. But times have been busy. So, for the next week, I will be reviewing my top Blu Ray movies, AND in light of the following two months being Pride months, I will be reviewing the top Gay movies.

This weeks’ top Blu Ray movie is…
When I first saw I was amazed. I saw it not only in digital projection, but in D-Box (which is a motion seat that moves with the movie) which made the movie experience even more grand. This is not only the best disaster movie ever made, but Roland Emmerichs’ (Day After Tomorrow, Godzilla) best movie since Independence Day. The movie doesn’t just work off of destroying everything, but it shows human emotions and how people can get together and try to survive. Yes; the movie also has all the destruction you’d expect from a movie like this, but it doesn’t reply on it solely.

The movie was released onto Blu Ray and DVD a little while ago, but this is at the top of my list of best Blu Rays to come out thus far this year (that is until Avatar is to be released later this week). The reason why this is a must buy on Blu Ray is because the transfer onto the Blu Ray disk is phenomenal; it super clear, especially in scenes like the destruction of LA or even the volcano exploding. There are few movies that blow me away that I just buy the DVD, but this was well worth the extra $8.