Monday, March 7, 2011

Too Many Movies

Why is it surprising that the box office is suffering? It isn’t in one bit that it is suffering; look at how many movies come out in one week. At least three movies a week are released and they expect them to do well. Some movies that deserve the attention end up getting the worse end of the box office because of bigger movies or the blockbuster of the month.
Here is the problem: firstly, the prices of movie tickets have gone up too high in the past few years, that it turns people away from wanting to see more movies or a movie more then once. You have the bump up fee for 3D movies, Imax and Imax movies and people don’t want to pay more prices and the bump up fee. But then here the second: 3D movies are a good way to make a little more cash, but when you come out with post production conversion of 3D like the crap that was My Soul To Take and Clash of The Titans then you turn people away from wanting to see more 3D movies. You need more movies like Avatar and Tron to bring in the audience. Putting both those into consideration here is a better solution that will help, STOP releasing so many movies at once like it is going out of style, it will if you don’t stop. When you release more then two movies a week then a problem is that people cant decide on what they would rather spend $20 to go see and then they cant decide some end up not going. Normal pay is weekly so some people put aside some money to go see a movie a week, if less movies came out a week and prices went down a little bit, more people would go see the movies, possibly even more then once.
Last year Sex and the City 2 came out, it didn’t do to bad, but because the budget was $100 million, it didn’t come even, it only made $98 million. They expected it to better because the first one made $100 million plus in 2008. Expectations need to be brought down a little, and the budgets of movies need to be less so that movies have a chance to make some money.
Another problem there is now, sequels and remakes. There are so many reboots and sequels and remakes, no one wants to see something that has already been done before. Especially if it is a reboot of a remake based off of a book. Either come up with new stuff, or if you cant, STOP making so many movies and pace yourself so that more can be done later down the road.
There should not be a month where studios dump the movies they think will do bad. That is not right and not fair. If you don’t think a movie will be good, don’t make it, or make it better. A movie is to entertain people, to escape one world and go to another. If it doesn’t look like it is good, make it better then you will make more money and not go into the hole, which is where MGM went wrong.
If these were to be followed by movie studios, it would help so much and give more chance to movies that wouldn’t in a normal basis.