Saturday, November 13, 2010


So for the first time ever... well minus The Last Airbender... I have either thought about walking out or actually walking out of a movie. This movie is utter crap. I would rather have watched another Tom Green movie with him jerking off a horse for an hour and a half.
The movie looked interesting from early previews, so I had hope. When I learned that the directors of AVP: Requiem directed and wrote this, I started worrying.
When later trailers started appearing, I got more hesitant but still had a hope.
Seeing this at midnight, I am glad I got in for free cause I really would have hated life. The most fun about it was listening to the audience laugh at scenes that were supposed to be serious and when they walked out saying how bad it was.
Not one person walked out of it saying good about it except that they got a laugh. They wouldn't laugh until they realized that they just spent basically $20 for the movie and popcorn and drink.

The script is predictable and laughable, the premise is a mixture of every other good Sci-fi, alien movie; the acting is horrible from people who used to have careers but now they never will. The music was even shitty; usually music is supposed to make the movie more exciting but all it did was put you to sleep more because it was like a lullaby.
I will not even waste time on explaining what this movie is about, because to be honest... I am still trying to figure that out for myself.