Friday, May 14, 2010

Dark Knight

For this week, your Blu Ray pick is…

The Dark Knight
Not only is this the best super hero movie, comic book adaptation, best movie of 2008 but Heath Ledger’s best work. The movie has so much substance to it that it keeps you enthralled of what is happening and doesn’t let you just sit there with scenes of pointless boring dialogue.
To top off this magnificent movie is the cinematography. The way that the movie is shot makes it all the more epic. With shots flying you over cities and through, puts you more into the action.
Now, the Blu Ray of this film; the transfer onto Blu Ray makes this one of the best releases under Avatar. It is very crystal clear and the special features are amazing. The great thing about it, is that during the scenes shot for Imax, the screen will extend and you get to see more scope of the shots which makes it even more of a great release.
So go out and buy this movie on Blu Ray.